Chapter 3

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                                 Stephen's P.O.V
          I sat in awkward silence, avoiding the eyes of the tougher men. Everyone here looked around my age, but I was scrawny and pathetic compared to the muscular men surrounding me.

I had agreed to join their gang but they still think I'm going to try to escape.
Like I even have the slightest chance.
I swallowed for what had to be the millionth time when the leader came back into the room, spreading out a knife selection in front of me.
"Your pick," he hissed softly.
I looked him in the eyes, risking an old inside joke. "Knives are too informal...." I whispered.

I whimpered in pain when he sliced my wrist angrily with his tiny pocket knife.
Oh, I forgot to mention he does this when he's mad. All the time.
"That was unnecessary."
He stepped closer, grabbing me by the shirt and shoving me against the wall. "You wanna play games, little boy? I can dispose of you in seconds so I would be careful how you handle things."
He dropped me and the biggest man there grabbed my arm, holding me firmly in place.

I winced at the physical contact, rubbing my arm below his right grip.
I looked down, feeling nothing but defeat and fear. Maybe a little anger too.
I didn't care about the fresh blood dripping from my arms, or the spinning in my head and aching in my throat.
What bothered me was where Hosuh and Dan were. Hopefully they didn't come after me.
I don't want them to get hurt, the only reason I'm even with them is to protect them.
They don't need me but I need them.

I hadn't realized I was crying until the creep scoffed me, grabbing me from his friend and pulling me outside against my will.

                                 Hosuh's P.O.V
        I didn't stop when my heart throbbed in my chest. Or when my breath turned raspy......
I stopped when I saw the police station. I leaned down and grasped my knees, panting heavily and wiping fresh tears from my eyes.
Dan caught up to me and rubbed my back assuringly, walking me through the front door.

                            **Two Hours Later**
      It took everything I had not to scream in fury and hurt.
I wasn't aware of the tears pouring down my face and Dan took my hand, looking threateningly close to sobbing.
The police nodded, standing up and opening the door for us.
"Thank you for the info. I happen to know the residents in this location and I won't have a problem catching them," he said.

Dan nodded, leading me outside and wiping his tears. "Look, I know you want to help Stephen but this is a job for the police. We should head home now...."
I nodded to show him I understood and lagged behind him slowly, unable to wave back at all the cheerful people on the street.
Too much time passed on our way home and I had my head down so I didn't notice Stephen being dragged without his say in it.

                                  Dan's P.O.V
                   I screamed, stopping Hosuh very suddenly and forcing him to duck as a gunshot whizzed above our heads just barely. I looked into the freakishly dark eyes of the guns owner and my heart stopped when I saw his vice like grip on Stephen.
"STOP!" Stephen yelled, trying with all his strength to run to us but failing.

   The man pulled Stephen closer, growling something into his ear that was clearly a threat. Stephen hung his head and stopped struggling, refusing to look Hosuh and I in the eyes.

I looked at Hosuh who was even paler than usual, tear tracks clearly visible on his face. I thought he would be happy to see Stephen, then I noticed what he has crying from.
It was so awful.
There were wide, deep cuts circling his arms. His upper arms were so caked with blood you could hardly see the cuts, but the ones on his hands were fresh and blood was still flowing.
His eyes widened and he stuffed his arms behind his back, even though we both knew it was too late.
We had already seen the damage and abuse.

  In fact, I could still see it in his eyes. I could see the scared boy that say helplessly as his arms were slit painfully.
And it broke my heart.
I lunged for the man detaining Stephen only to be knocked painfully to the ground.
Hosuh shrieked and Stephen broke free from his captor, his eyes wide with fear and pain. "Dan...."
His voice was raspy and quiet and I could tell he was scared to use it.

   The man, right in front of us, pulled out a kitchen knife and cut deeply across Stephens shoulder.
He yelled out in pain and I leaped to my feet, aren't catching him before he fell to the ground.
Hosuh stood in front of us, guarding us as we backed away from the threat.
The mans lips curled into a smile. "Very well. Go for now. None of you can keep each other safe anyways. Watch your back Stephen..."
Then he vanished in the shadows.

  I looked back down at the limp, shaking body in my hands and I knew we needed a hospital. I looked up at Hosuh in a panic and he nodded, pulling out his phone and calling an ambulance.
Hosuh put his phone away, hurrying to our side. "T-their on the way Daniel..."
I nodded, protectively hugging Stephen closet to my chest. His body was so cold.....
"Why did you let him do that to you..." I whispered softly.
I was surprised he had the energy to answer me.
"H-he threatened to hurt y-you guys....I don't w-want you to be abused like I w-was as a kid...I am t-trying to protect y-you...."
My heart dropped to my feet and Hosuh exchanged a glance with me. "Oh Stephen..."
I had no words, so I was grateful when Hosuh leaned down and cupped Stephen's cheek in his fingers, gently stroking his hair. "Stephen, you don't need to protect us. That isn't your job.."
"I...I know," he rasped weakly.

  He stopped talking and I nuzzled my head into his neck, holding him tighter until we heard sirens.
I picked my friend up bridal style, hurrying him to the doctor.
Two women strapped him to a bed and raised him into the ambulance, ushering us in after him.
I sat down between Hosuh and a doctor, trembling uncontrollably and choking down sobs.
Hosuh took one of my hands, rubbing my thumb and squeezing it.
I squeezed him back, looking down at the now unconscious Stephen as one of the women wrapped his wound.
I hung my head and silently prayed, squinting my eyes shut to chase away the tears.

Haha sorry I had to come back and edit this part in.
Anyways, I would be glad to hear what you think so far- I need feedback pls.
Tell me in the comments if you have been enjoying the story... I'll be updating soon! Xoxo, FrenchBaguette <3

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