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(author's note: Hey everyone, I didn't wrote too many things in this fight because of two things: 1. I have to study for the final exams to end the year. 2. I ran out of ideas. But in the end enjoy👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾)

This battle is requested by Batmandude18

The One-Man Army, they go around for a good fight to test their strength and stamina.

 But only few of them at certain times, they use their bare hands and wrestling skills like these two leviathans each from DC Comics and Marvel Comics respectively.

Bane, the man who broke the Bat in half.

Bane, the man who broke the Bat in half

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And the Juggernaut, Bitches.

I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here to show you all who would win and who would die in a death fight!

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I'm AhmedSalah120 and I'm here to show you all who would win and who would die in a death fight!

Born in the Pena Duro prison, a young boy lived in his father's shoes.

And by that, he was the son of a revolutionist named Edmund Dorrance, but lived in the prison he was born in to work out in the prison's gym to get strong.

But he also managed to read as many books that the prison could have in there to become smarter, and even learned English, as well as he knows Latin, Spanish, and Portiguese. He eventually was brought to the prison's controllers for a drug test with the Venom.

Emenim: VENOM!

And no, not my favorite Spiderman imposter monster, the actual drug.

It nearly killed him at first, but he survives it in which it increases his strength to a certain angle, thus making him take it at least twice a day.

And thus, from this point on he went on to be known as...Bane.

Bane is best known for wearing a Venom inducing armor with tubes that go to his arms, torso, and head in order to make him stronger, though it only lasts for 12 hours.

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