Chapter Two: Stop That!

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"Please, Rebecca?" Her best friend, Cassie Saunders, complained as the two young girls wandered through the field, it was getting late and Cassie had to return home, the two girls had told their parents that they were both playing at each others houses. "It's getting late, the bogey man might get us."

"In a minute." Rebecca replied, looking up at all the trees in hope that John Merrill would be sitting up in one watching them.

"My mommy says we should never be on our own at this time. It's dangerous."

"Okay we'll go home." Rebecca gave in and they began their journey home.

"What are we doing here anyway?" Cassie asked as she stepped off the muddy grass and onto the pavement.

"I lost my shoe the other day." Rebecca lied, truth was she didn't want to tell her all about the boy, she kept the story to herself. The two said their goodbyes and they both headed in different directions to their homes, it was nearly dinner time and Rebecca was hungry so she was walking extra fast, she was slightly disappointed that she hadn't seen the boy since.

She suddenly had a feeling someone was following her, was it the bogey man? Freaked out and scared, she quickly thought about all the night time horror stories her brother Frank told her when she went to bed, she began to run as fast as she could.

She could hear someone running behind her, she nearly started crying as a voice whispered.

"Boo!" In her ear, she screamed and the shock caused her to trip and fall to the floor.

John Merrill began to laugh, she snapped her head up and looked at him and a frown formed on her face. He grinned down at her as he put out his hand to help her up, she grudgingly held onto it as he pulled her up.

"That was mean." She told him, crossing her arms. "You made me fall."

He shrugged her off. "I didn't mean to."

"Well you did." She huffed, the two stood there staring at each other. "My momma says the stork brought you here when you were a baby."

"Storks don't bring babies, people have babies." He stated a matter-of-factly to her, proud of his wisdom.

"Well then what do Stork's bring?" She tilted her head in wonderment, not fully understanding what he had said.

He answered her question with a shrug. "You want to play a game?"

"I have to go home, it's late." She replied looking up at the sky that was about to turn dark. "Don't you have a bed time?"



"Because I don't."

"But why? Doesn't your mommy want you in?"

He shook his head in response.

"Why?" She frowned again.

"Do you always ask things?" He asked and she shrugged her shoulders in response and kept her eyes to the floor.

"I have to go home now."


"Because I'll get in to trouble."


"I'll get punished for being out at dark."


She frustratingly stomped her feet on the ground, her temper raising. "Stop that!"

"Why?" He grinned and she felt her cheeks go red with rage.

She grunted at him, her eyes glaring up at him. He pushed her playfully with his right hand and she looked at him sheepishly, she would have pushed him back but her momma told her girls didn't play fight.

"Don't be such a baby." He told her.

She crossed her arms again. "I'm not a baby."

"JOHN!" They heard a female voice call out to him from across the road, it was his mother Valerie.

He looked at Rebecca and she gave him a bashful smile, he smirked at her and then whispered into her ear.

"Meet me here at the field tomorrow after supper." Before making his way across the road.

She watched him and pondered to herself about how she was going to sneak out of the house to meet him, she began to think of a plan.

My Baby Shot Me Down (Ace Merrill - Stand By MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt