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In the future again

"Waaaaahh ahh"

Hazel rolled over. "Frank it's your turn"

Frank didn't respond "Frank!" She smacked his arm.

"Okay okay"

Hazel tried to go back to sleep.

"Shh shh it's okay daddy's got you" Frank said picking up their 3 week old baby girl. "I'm here" She continued to bawl. Frank had been rocking her and Golding her for 30 minutes but she still couldn't stop crying. Hazel walked into the room she looked really angry.

"Seriously Frank does it really take 30 minutes to make a baby stop crying? She would have cried herself to sleep by now" He handed her into Hazels arms. "Hey now I would really like it if you went to sleep because mommy is REALLY tired and she needs to sleep" Hazel said to her. She was just about sleeping when there was a knock on the door.

"At 3 am?! It better be important!" Frank grumbled.

They made their way to the door, Hazel still carrying their crying baby. Frank opened the door "Yeah--LEO!"

"Hi umm sorry to bother you and all but I was wondering if I could borrow a pair of socks?"

"what are you going to do with them?" Frank asked

"Oh my feet are freezing and I heard your kid was crying so I thought you guys were awake so I came here. How's the little rascal doing anyway?"

"Oh she won't stop crying! It's gotten to a point where I get a baby sitter just so I can sleep" Hazel cried

"Here can I try?" Leo asked Hazel handed the baby to her and he rocked her in his arms. He whispered and talked to her. The crying went down and she went to sleep.

"Please take her to her room" Frank whispered

Leo placed her into her crib and left.

Hazel and Frank collapsed into the bed. Frank kissed Hazels and and pulled her close. He sighed "I better not wake up again"

Hazel laughed but she was already asleep to say something.

Frazel one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now