Prologue: The Code

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A base in the middle of Quip...

CHAR'S POV (It's all third-person)

It was a very bright evening. The moon was like the Sun; that was how bright it was. It was the perfect time to go patrolling. And that was exactly what Char was doing.

He was about 100 yards from the camp where some animals were protecting Thunder and Char's best friend, Dippy. Despite Dippy being about 10 times the size of Char, the two were inseparable. Well, to a point.

As Char walked through the winding desert hills, he heard a faint growl. Char stopped in his tracks and looked around. Then, he saw them. On the top of a plateau was a group of Watchers.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot!" Char whispered. He scurried back to the camp, hoping the Watchers didn't seem him running back to camp.


"Here you are, Dippy," Thunder said as he slid the Code towards Dippy with his giant nose, "Here is the Code."

"Thanks, Thunder," Dippy replied as he took the Code with his giant foot, "Now, what do I do with it?"

"Take it to Rascar," Thunder explained, "He is currently hiding in Labeth. He's the only person I know who can decode this thing."

"What about you?" Dippy asked, "Can't you decode it right now and tell us?"

"I'm afraid not," Thunder said. He lowered his head towards Dippy, "I fear that my days on this land are ending. And today might be that day. I'm not quite sure when, or how yet, but I can feel it."

Dippy tried to think of a million other answers besides that one, but it was no use. Thunder had made a valid point.

Then, after Dippy took the Code, Thunder gave him a golden chest.

"Hide it in here," he explained, "It will look like a mere package in the eyes of both the Watchers and simple citizens."

Dippy took the chest with his leg. He grabbed the Code in his mouth and placed it in the chest. Then, he closed the box.

Dippy raised his head and looked Thunder in the eye.

"Thank you," he said in a soothing tone, "For... everything."

Thunder simply smiled and replied, "You're welcome."

Suddenly, Dippy heard the tent flap open. He looked to his right and found Char scuttling in. He looked panicked.

"I don't mean to interrupt your little private conversation," Char said rapidly, "But we've got company."

Uh-oh. Dippy knew that wasn't a good thing.

He looked at Thunder.

"I think they found us," Dippy told him.

"Oh, I don't think they found us," Char replied, "They did."


As the animals that lived in the camp were enjoying the evening, they were interrupted by a faint barking in the distance. They recognized that barking. It was the war cry of a Watcher.

Hearing their enemy, the animals shook themselves up and got ready. They reached the edge of the camp, where they watched as an army of 10 Watchers started to advance towards them.

As the animals stood in defensive positions, a giant moose walked in front of them, ready to command his army. He watched the offending army advance with determined black pupils.

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