Chapter 4: The Scoundrel

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As Twig walked through the halls of the Watcher base, he noticed that the walls seemed to get bigger and more foreboding the farther he walked through the hall towards Ripper's throne room. It was almost as if the walls were looking down on his failure.

Twig rounded the corner and found Ripper at his giant computer, watching the security cams, as usual.

"Uh..." Twig stammered, tiptoeing closer and closer to Ripper, "Sir... we're back."

Ripper turned his big, black head. His jagged teeth were inches from Twig's face as he asked, "What's the news?"

Twig gulped. He looked at Ripper's pale, red eyes and told him, "We failed."

The red eyes narrowed.

"What?" Ripper hissed, "How?!"

"Well, it's a funny story," Twig chuckled, trying to make himself feel better, "The fire salamander hijacked a transport and escaped with the Code."

"How can something that is three inches long hijack a giant vehicle?" Ripper asked, his confusion showing in his tone of voice.

"Well, see, the thing was," Twig explained, "The fire salamander wasn't alone. He had help. We're not quite sure who helped him, but we're pretty sure it was... one of our troops."

As Twig was explaining, he watched as Ripper slowly turned his head to look back at the computer. Flashing on the screen was a picture of Blue.

"I knew it..." Ripper snarled. He turned back to Twig and growled, "Anything else?"

Twig gulped, "Yep. They were also accompanied by a hooman girl, a behemoth, and a-"

Twig didn't finish his sentence, as Ripper's claw pinned him to the ground. Twig felt Ripper's claws dig into his fur. Twig let out a small yelp.

Ripper leaned into Twig's ear and whispered, "Thanks for the information... Now, tell Kapro to resume the search for the Code, once I'm finished tearing you to bits..."

Twig let out one last gulp before Ripper opened his mouth and bit into Twig's neck. Twig let out a hoarse scream that soon died out, as Twig's vision started to go blank.


 "So," the Allosaurus asked, "What are you three doing running away from the Watchers?"

"It's hard to explain," Blue responded.

The Allosaurus gave Blue a side glare and told him, "I think you better tell me if you want to get to wherever you're going."

Ashley heard Blue gulp. Something told her that he didn't want to tell this random stranger about their adventure. So, Ashley turned to the Allosaurus and said, "I'll tell you."

The Allosaurus watched Ashley with great interest as Ashley explained everything: How she found Char, the Code, the chase from the Watchers, and how they're trying to get to Labeth. She also introduced everyone: herself, Char, and Blue, the two of which are Elites.

The Allosaurus nodded as if understanding the entire thing. After Ashley was finished, the Allosaurus asked, "So, why did you choose Labeth for your destination?"

"That's where Rascar is hiding, apparently," Blue told the Allosaurus, "Why do you ask?"

"Rascar?" the Allosaurus repeated, shock filling his eyes.

Both Blue and Ashley nodded.

The Allosaurus bit the bottom of his lip and muttered, "Now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time. I fought alongside him in the Great Dinosaur War as a general. I haven't seen him since... since, uh..." the Allosaurus stopped. He didn't talk for a while before he abruptly changed the subject, "I understand why Rascar would hide in Labeth. But it also puzzles me at the same time."

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