Pokémon Battle Stats

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At its surface, battling in Pokémon is not really too different from your typical standard JRPG (Japanese RPG), such as Final Fantasy, Super Mario RPG, or even Mega Man X Command Mission.  Now obviously looking at how a Pokémon's individual stats are characterized nowadays is significantly different from how it was in the early days.  But at its heart, it still took many of the core fundamental RPG stat categories, such as HP, Attack, Defense, and Speed, while also adding its own unique attributes to the formula as well, such as the introduction of a Pokémon's nature and abilities in Gen 3, the introduction of a physical-special split in Gen 4, or even the introduction of hidden abilities in Gen 5.  But the main question here is...what is your preferred battle stat within a Pokémon when it comes to battling in general?  Do you prefer having a powerhouse Pokémon with high Attack?  Do you prefer having a tanky Pokémon with high Defense?  What is the general stat you often look for when battling with Pokémon?

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