CHAPTER FIVETHERE ARE TWENTY-FOUR hours in the day, one hundred and sixty-eight hours in a week, and one thousand four-hundred-eighty thousand nine hundred and twenty hours in seventeen years. Every hour humans are expanding their horizons, making mistakes, living life to the fullest. While another is living out their last hour that will be spent in their world. Some know when the time has come, a feeling just as inexplicable as life was, but they know. Their gut may have failed them countless times throughout their lives, but this time they know this is no feeling they can just brush off.
Humans are peculiar creatures, the second they realize that the hourglass' sand is draining down its last grains of sand, they realize what they truly wanted out of their life. Whether it be to tell their parents that they had been living out the wrong dreams they had been created for them since the first time they breathed in oxygen. Or something as simple as wanting to skydive. It is an instant reaction for humans to make a list of all the things they never did, and are probably never going to do. Humans are the most pessimistic species to have ever roamed this earth.
"I made a bucket list of everything I want to do before I die,"
"You want to know the first thing that's on the list?"
Laughter...Hugging... Kissing...
Laughter. Hugging. Kissing. Laughter. Hugging. Kissing. Fighting. Lying. Cheating. Hugging. Kissing. Laughter. Hugging. Kissing. Lying. Dying.
How does something as beautiful and pure as love become such a vile and terrible thing many grow to fear as their lives progress? Why does love always find its way back onto that imaginary bucket list people have created for themselves? It's quite simple if a person were looking into the picture from the outside, but no one is capable of doing so, so long as they breathe. But those who have perished may have realized the conundrum many humans can't crack throughout their lifetime. Humans are made for love, made to love, made to spread the love. Although no one ever mentions the side effects of love.
"Leave me and I'll go crazy trying to get you back,"
"You'd fight anyone for me?"
"I'd turn this whole world upside down to find you,"
"Do you love me that much?"
+ + +
Holding hands is the most innocent ways to show affection between two lovers. But today everyone did not hold each other's hands out of love, or happiness, they held hands in solidarity among one another. They were not strong enough to stand alone so they pleadingly asked those around them for a shoulder to lean on. No words exchanged, just knowing looks. Scientists have claimed almost 75% of communication used around the world is body language, not English, Mandarin, Hindi, but body language. Being able to look at someone across the room at a party and know that they didn't want to be there just by the way their back remained glued to the wall. Being able to look at someone across the bed and knowing they don't love you anymore. Being able to communicate without words, isn't that the most fatal language?

No One Killed Venus Wilson
Mystery / ThrillerWhen Venus Wilson is found dead the day after her annual Halloween Bash, everyone assumes it was a tragic accident. Except it wasn't. And those who know there was foul play involved aren't enthusiastic about speaking up. ...