CHAPTER SEVENIMAGINING OR DREAMING, a person's favorite pastime activity. Whether it be dreaming about the future love of their lives, their future job that brings home the big bucks, or how on earth they got dragged into a world that revolved around Venus Wilson and the mysterious way she died. It's hard not dreaming, one could even claim it keeps many people sane. It keeps prisoners with a small flame of hope ignited in their hearts, when they dream of returning home to their family. It keeps a person sane knowing that when they sleep at night they'll be able to float into an abyss of dreams and impractical realities created by their subconscious.
Countless scientists have referred dreams as an alternate reality, maybe only to explain why humans do dream. No one truly knows why dreaming is a byproduct of sleep, some things don't need explaining.
Trevor Brown didn't know whether he was a part of an all too realistic dream his subconscious had created when he found himself climbing up the drainpipe that led to Venus' room that night. Though after failed attempts, a gash on his palm, and jeans that were once clean he came to a conclusion that this was a reality. Trevor didn't know why he decided to go over to Venus' house, all it did was bring back terrible memories he only wished he could erase away from his brain.
Yet just like reoccurring dreams, the average human has; the nightmare like memories came back to haunt him every single night. Slowly Trevor started to change because of those certain memories. He became afraid of the dark. He became afraid of the nighttime because that would mean he would have to be forced to dream about the night Venus Wilson ruined his life, again, and again, and again.
Maybe that was why he refused to shut his eyes at night without the aid of sleeping pills he would slyly retrieve from his mother's medicine cabinet. And maybe that was why he went to Venus' house the night of her Halloween Bash. He only ever wanted to stop the bad memories from coming uninvited.
He didn't want to be a part of this. But when he started recording what was happening in her room, he didn't know how to stop. Shock. It was so simple to label what Trevor was experiencing in that moment. But he couldn't figure out why his arm wasn't listening to his brain that was only screaming: YOU IDIOT, DO SOMETHING! All Trevor's body did in that moment was drop the phone down the balcony merely missing three drunk freshmen. The noise was loud enough for him to realize that his body reacted far too late, and far too stupidly because the person behind the devil's mask seemed to have noticed a sound coming from outside.
Trevor waited for the masked person to come outside and do what they did to Venus but all they did was run. And then slowly he saw a hand come out from under the bed, resulting in a shriek on his behalf.
That night he watched as Lily Tran, the girl that sat in front of him in Canadian History lunged at Venus Wilson's body, checking for her pulse. He watched as another girl, Kate, slither out of the closet to get a closer look at Venus, and then another boy — Raj.
Trevor knew Raj, Venus' little puppet— was Venus' little puppet.
"Why don't you guys do something!"
"We have to leave..."
And it was at that very moment Trevor made the biggest mistake of his life. He walked right into the same spider's web he had escaped once before.
+ + +
There was something about the night of the Halloween Bash that had created some sort of bond between Lily and Trevor. They had always been acquaintances since the beginning of junior year, but there was something about saving a person from being framed for the murder of one of the youngest socialites in Ontario that created an unbreakable connection. If he was to come across Lily Tran two years ago it would've been a different story of course.

No One Killed Venus Wilson
Mystery / ThrillerWhen Venus Wilson is found dead the day after her annual Halloween Bash, everyone assumes it was a tragic accident. Except it wasn't. And those who know there was foul play involved aren't enthusiastic about speaking up. ...