Chapter 3

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I sigh and roll over in my bed. You could roll over 3 times and still not fall out. I miss my old one. These pillows and mattress are much more comfortable but it's not my mattress and pillows. I miss home and I haven't even been gone one full day yet. Once we figured out the sleeping arrangements my grandmother served us lasagna, my mom's favorite. After that my Grandmother offered us dessert, but I just wanted to get some time by myself with my mom, I needed answers. Unfortunately, my mom knew if we were alone, I would target her, so she stayed downstairs. I heard her walk upstairs about an hour ago, but she walked into the library with my grandmother. I tried to catch their conversation, but it was in whispers. I sigh and turn on the bedside lamp and open the drawer. Inside I pull out a copy of The Sun Is Also A Star, a recommendation from my best friend Ainsley. I'm on the last chapter and I'm trying not to read it because I don't want the book to end. I figure I at least deserve this one chapter. I'm in the last paragraph when I hear foot steps coming to my door, I whip my head over and look at the time on the old alarm clock. The time reads 00:16, shit its military time, while I'm doing the math in my head still trying to figure out if I should be pretending to be asleep, my mom walks in.

"Amber what are you still doing up, we have church tomorrow." My mom says.

"What are you talking about we never go to church." I respond, its true. The only time we go to church is for weddings or funerals. We're not atheists but we also don't exactly believe in god.

"Well we are tomorrow so turn that light off and go to bed." My mom says and turns swiftly out the door.

"Wait mom, aren't you gonna tell me what happened?!" I say, she stops for a second but doesn't turn around. She continues walking. I want to be mad with her, but I can't be. This is just how she responds when something bad happens in her life. I remember when my aunt died (her sister and best friend) she just pretended nothing happened and when the reality hit her, she locked herself in her room for days. She just has problems facing the truth. I turn the light off and try to fall asleep, but the bed is too hard, so I take the comforter and a pillow and go lie down on the carpet. The thoughts in my head are bouncing around like little bees trying to get out, so instead I focus on the butterflies, the thoughts about how good The Sun Is Also A Star is, or how I really want to take a shower. They're stupid little thoughts but they take my mind off of what's really going on, and eventually I drift off into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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