Chapter 1

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A variety a men surrounded the bluette male but all had one thing in common...guns. Every single man, whether tall, short, skinny, or fat, carried a loaded gun. It was silent, too silent, the drop of a nail could be heard a mile away. 

That was until it was interrupted by a burst of laughter, one filled to the brim with disbelief. "I-I'm in a- I'm in a mafia?" Words of pure humor and doubt escaped the male's mouth. He pointed at himself, face red from laughing too hard, "M-Me the dumbest bitch here- I'm in a mafia?"

Just then another, more threatening,  voice snapped, "Just who the fuck do you think you're laughing at?" The laughter came to an immediate halt, a sign of realization washing over. This woman was serious, dead serious. A rush of panic flew over the male as he began to book it. Just then-

BAM! The ruler hit the desk, rather hard, making Jeon Jungkook yelp as he jumped a little. "Jeon Jungkook this is the 3rd time you've fallen asleep in my class. You're practically begging to get chucked out of my course!" the teacher scolded the younger. Jungkook bowed his head continuously, muttering apologies and promises of it not happening again. "One more time and you're out." "Yes sir, thank you sir."


Taehyung let out a groan as he walked out of the college class he was previously in. He didn't do it on purpose, he was starting to believe he had narcolepsy. What else would be the reason he found himself sleeping in the middle of the day? He got enough sleep at home but he'd still fall asleep in class no matter what. That wasn't even the weirdest part yet. 

When he did fall asleep he had these weird dreams about anything and then it'd happen after he woke up. It was like an unending sense of deja vu, like he was living his life in his dreams then again when he woke up. 

But lately he's been having one dream and one dream only, A dream that he's forced to join a mafia and when he runs away he gets shot....well he doesn't really know if he gets shot per say but there is a gun fired. At first he thought his dreams were going back to normal and that maybe he was becoming normal, but then when it played over and over in his head like a broken record he knew he had no hope.

He told his grandmother, who he lives with, about the situation and she got him a therapist. However, when he told his therapist she just said, "That's weird maybe you should talk to your psychiatrist." In which he followed her advice but only to get told that there was no medication to help him that maybe it was just a weird coincidence.

He was stuck, stuck in an infinite loop of deja vu.

"Taehyung wait up!" The words of a high pitched short boy reached his ears and he couldn't help but roll his eyes with a smile, he thoughts being erased for the moment.

As expected, Jimin was running towards him full speed. Unfortunately, he didn't exactly plan out his stop properly and ended up crashing into Tae. Taehyung let out an 'oof' as he hit the ground with his best friend on top of him.

Taehyung had known Jimin since they were in the third grade. They were there for each other through thick and thin, especially the thick.

Jimin quickly got up giggling like a schoolgirl. "Sorry Tae. You know I get a little bit carried away." Now that was an understatement. Jimin was known throughout the campus for getting 'a little bit carried away'. He once was dancing for talent show in the 5th grade and he got so extra, like sexual dancing and all...he got disqualified.

Jimin was known for being a popular fuckboy at every school the two went to. Tae wasn't that much different, he most definitely was popular for his good looks and his adorable smile but he wasn't exactly known for going around and sleeping with girls, or guys for that matter. He was more of a reserved, sarcastic, funny, sweetheart. Plus, he wasn't even into girls.

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