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It's been 2 years 
Of him and I 
It was hard.
Never thought
I could look afar, 
Until you. 
Your kindness and generosity 
I adore. 
The first time we talked
I wasn't looking 
But saw glances and looked straight  
Into those sparkly brown eyes
That shone brighter than the night.
That bright side of a boy 
Eagerly listening to what I had to say. 

Exchanged quite a few glances 
After the day. 
A little peek in 
A little geek out 
I smiled
Unknowingly of what you have done
Felt like a 13 year old again 
With an adrenaline rush
So real.
I saw you smile 
So carefree 
So surreal 
Unbothered, unintentional 
Of what it would do,
To a million of hearts beating 
For you.

That smile, 
That spark
Did it for me.
If ever given the chance 
I would protect it
With an armor and shield 
Like a knight would 
For his country
His people. 
I would treasure that soul,
So none can ever damage 
Nor harm. 

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