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As the moon approached its last quarter at the start of May, 1983, the twins of destiny shall be born.

Sam and Amelia James Winchester no more than twenty minutes apart, born on May 2nd and 3rd respectively. The former hunter mother would have no idea what was in store for the two newborn twins. The unknown Men of Letters legacy would never even begin to understand the future of his children.

November 2nd, 1983, Mia has been fed the grace of the fallen angel every day for six months. Tonight is the night where the grace finally settled as did the darkness that would settle in her brother.

As her mother burnt on the ceiling, before her and her twin was ripped from the inferno, she watched her mother burn with unknowing eyes as she, the tamer of Hell Fire, protected her and her brother from harm.

Late April 1986, the twins now no more than three years old. Both them and their family oblivious to the fallen angel father and various demons silently watching over the two, ensuring they're raised the way that was intended.

September 1990, at ten years old their destiny began to show in their personalities. Sam, the innocent who would wish not to hurt a fly. And Mia, the girl with borderline personality disorder as she struggled between the goodness in her grace and the corruption from the fallen. The corruption seemed to be winning.

December 1996, at sixteen years old destiny, remains much the same. Though, this time the battle seems in favour of the skies. Mia minimised her habits of cutting girls hair and kicking kids in crotches. Of course, there would always be the occasional mess up, but Mia now would focus on keeping her grades up so in two years time that she could go practice medicine and help people in a legal way rather than follow the family business.

July 2000, twenty years old and the corruption that used to be so strong set in the female Winchester is all but gone. No more violence, she has retired from that life for a life of submitting to the abuse of her demon boyfriend. Though she lives with that pain through relief methods of drugs and illegal alcohol consumption.

Mid May 2009. Twenty-six years old marks the early end of the Twin's destiny. The end of their duality as Sam Winchester - the boy with the demon blood murders his own sister Mia Winchester - the girl with the corrupted grace. Once again, Mia's secretive nature on making a plan to save the world without her brothers bites her in the ass.

Six months after her death, Mia awakes to see the one and only Lucifer standing before her. It's then that she realises she still has a shot to make things right. But to do so, she must sacrifice forgiveness from her brothers.

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