Chapter 16

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Season: 5

Episode(s): Point Of No Return


When I wake up, Castiel is gone and so is Dean. I swear to god, when I find that bitch I'm going to pulverise his innards.

"Look, Sam will go find Dean and I'll go up to heaven and find Cas. Dean's on foot, he couldn't have gone too far." I say as I make a plan. The rest did wonders for me, I can actually think now.

"I thought you didn't-"

"Long story, Sam. I'll tell you when the world isn't about to end and our brother isn't about to kill himself." I snap and go to fly out but bobby peeks up.

"What do I do with him? He's got a bit of a height advantage."

"Cuff him to your chair, keep him at gun point. Get creative." I say before flying off to heaven.

Heaven is a big place. Huge. One could say never ending. Though there is only one place that Castiel could have been sent to when shocked back here and that is what I like to call -and every angel that's ever heard me call it this hates me for it- the rebirthing place. It's where the injured or expelled angels are sent to regain strength. It's a relatively quick process in angel terms but it most definitely gives people and things on earth a good head start. That's for sure.

A few more moments and Castiel exits, looking pissed.

"Let's go." Is all I say as I take his hand. I'm about to fly us back to the house when I hear something in my head. What the hell is that?

"You can hear the prayer?" He asks and I nod.

"It's Dean." He says simply before taking us to the streets.

"You pray too loud." Cas says simply, knocking out the preacher.

I give Dean a cold stare and grab him tightly, throwing him into the alley and throw a hard ass punch before stepping back and letting the angel take the wheels.

Cas punches him. Again and again until he's blue in the face. He slams my brother against the wall. "I rebelled for this?! So that you could surrender to them?"

"Cas! Please!" Dean begs and my eyes narrow. I take a step towards the two.

"I gave everything to you and this is what you give me?" I extend my hand and place it on his shoulder, giving him an 'I have to do this' look. A very similar look to what Sam gave Dean when Sam stabbed me, now that I think about it.

"Do it." Dean says, trying to call my non existent bluff. "Just do it."

I don't hesitate. I just swing a right hook to his temple, knocking him out immediately.


"Because the angels took him." Cas says as we arrive with a beat up Dean. We could both heal him but frankly I think he deserves the pain. He's caused me enough pain, why not return the favour?

"What the hell happened to him?" Sam asks as I toss the unconscious bitch onto the couch Adam was once laying on.

"We did." I snap and Sam immediately backs down.

"What do you mean the angels took Adam?" Bobby asks. "Didn't you brand his ribs?"

"Yes. Adam must have tipped them off. Most likely in a dream."

"Alright, well, where would they have taken him?" Sam asks and I look to my angel companion.

"I have an idea." Cas says and goes to leave.

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