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SUSAN SAT DOWN next to Cassius in the Library.

"Hello Suzy woozy," he smirked.

Susan frowned. "Suzy woozy?" She spat, her words flickered with disapproval.

"I thought I would change things up. Clearly I thought wrong," he chuckled.

Susan rolled her eyes. "Let's just focus on the assignment. What should our vessel be made of?" She Asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should look for some books about waterproof materials. Wouldn't it be cool if we made it out of seaweed or something from the black lake?" He asked.

"Do you know how thin Seaweed is? Once we fill it with water, it'll completely fall apart," Susan pointed out.

"Whatever, Bones. You're such a buzz kill."

"A what?"

"A buzz kill, you kill the buzz."

"I have no idea what that means, Warrington."

"It's American slang. It means that you're no fun."

"Oh shut up, Warrington."

Cassius grinned. "It's not my fault you're not an interesting person, Bones."

Susan gasped. "Well it's not my fault you're a snobby git!" She snapped back.

Cassius gasped sarcastically and placed a hand over his heart. "I am offended," he said, turning away from Susan to hide his frown.

"Whatever, Warrington, get over it. Let's start working on this bloody assignment."

After searching through books for about thirty minutes for materials, someone else sat down at their table. Susan looked up to see Cassius doing a special handshake with Blaise Zabini, another Slytherin in their year.

"Hey Cass, what's up?" Blaise asked, looking at Susan, confused.

"We're working on this Charms assignment, that Flitwick gave us, why?" Cassius replied.

"No reason, can I sit?" He asked.

Susan looked up at the newcomer. "You already are," She stated.

Blaise and Cassius laughed. "You're funny, Bones."

"I wasn't trying to be," she said as she struggled to tie her hair into a knot on the top of her head. After finally getting her hair in the hair tie, she let out a sigh and looked over at the boys.

"Not to intrude or anything, but we've really got to get back to this assignment, Warrington," Susan said.

"Wow, what a buzz kill!" Exclaimed Blaise with a smile.

"Oh, not this again," Susan sighed and rested her head on the palm of her hand.

"Alright, Zabini, I'll see you later," Cassius and Blaise did a weird "man-hug" where they used one arm and didn't hug each other all the way before Blaise went back to wherever he came from, right after giving Susan one more look.

"I told you you were buzz kill," Cassius said.

Susan balled up a piece of scrap parchment and threw it at him. "Shut up," She said.

Cassius grinned and picked up the paper ball, looking at Susan wickedly before throwing it back at her. Susan stood up and tried to lunge at Cassius, but missed. He got up and ran down the aisles of the library, laughing. Susan was right on his tail, prepared to throw the parchment ball at him. She threw the ball and it hit Cassius square in the back of the head. She laughed as he stopped and spun around and glared at her.

"You're going to pay for that, Bones!" He exclaimed, picking up the ball and charging after Susan, who was already sprinting down the aisles the opposite way, bumping into the bookshelves with every turn she took because she was laughing so hard. She could hear Cassius' footsteps coming closer from behind her so she pushed herself even harder, turning down another aisle and hiding in a dark corner before Cassius could turn too.

A few seconds later, Susan was trying to control her heavy breaths as Cassius turned the corner, coming to a halt as he realized that she wasn't there. He searched up and down the aisle but didn't notice her. There was no other escape than from where they came in.

"Bones, I know you're in here, I'm going to get you!" He exclaimed.

Susan remained silent. Her heart was pounding and she was sure that he would've been able to hear it if it wasn't for Cassius' own heart pounding forcefully as well.

Cassius took a few steps further into the aisle and stayed silent. Susan sat silently for a moment. Then she silently panicked before giving a small hiccup. Cassius spun in her direction and the two made eye contact. Susan quickly crawled out of the corner and tried to run out, but found herself pinned to the floor. Cassius has tackled her. And had the ball raised above his head, ready to throw it at her.

There was a loud gasp and the two looked over to the end of the hall. Madame Pince stood there, a pile of books in her hand and her mouth wide open. "There is no fooling around in the library! Get out, the two of you! I don't want to see you here for a very long time!" She said in a menacing whisper of a voice.

Cassius and Susan stood up as fast as they could and scrambled away from the librarian, grabbed their books, and ran out of the library. Once they reached the exit of the library, they ran down the corridor too, until they were at the top of a staircase, gasping for breath and red in the face.

"She's- scary when- she's- angry-" Cassius huffed with an airy laugh.

Susan laughed and sucked in a large breath. "She's scary all the time, Cassius, you're just never in the library to see her," she replied.

Cassius looked shocked. "What?" He asked.

"What do you mean, 'what?'I've never seen you in-"

Cassius cut her off. "That's not what I meant- you called me by my name!" He exclaimed with a grin.

"What? What are you talking about, Warrington?"

"I swear, you called me Cassius!"

"No I didn't, Warrington, you're being delusional, maybe you should see Madame Pomfrey," Susan laughed as she started walking away.

"Oh whatever, Suzy," he groaned. "Where are you going?" He asked

"To my common room? I thought we were done," she replied with a hint of annoyance.

"We barely even started!" Cassius exclaimed.

"Well we would've gotten further in our project if you hadn't been talking to Blaise Zabini for all that time!" Susan spat back.

"Oh- okay! So you'll call Blaise by his name, but not me?" Cassius asked, he sounded hurt.

"Yes, because I don't like you!" Susan shouted.

"But you like him?!"

"I don't like him either, but at least he's not a prick like you!"

Cassius turned away from Susan. "Whatever, Bones," he murmured before walking away.

Fuming, Susan spun and sped towards the Hufflepuff common room, ready to tell Hannah everything, but when she got there, she found no one. It seemed that everyone had been out in the Great Hall for lunch, so Susan made her way to her dormitory. It was empty there too. Susan took off her shoes and necktie and lied down under her warm bedsheets, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

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