Chapter 2: Parents, Brothers, and The Coffee House

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Saturday, 8:21 AM

The only reason Beomgyu had been at Mr. Kim's at two in the morning was because of his older brother and his parents. They had been fighting a lot lately and he just couldn't deal with it anymore, so he left, not telling anyone that he was going out nor did he leave a note for anyone to find. He was tired of hearing the same argument over and over, constantly being repeated on a daily basis since his brother decided to drop out of college and pursue music instead.

He now laid in bed, thinking about the conversation he had had with his older brother only a few hours earlier.

It was around three twenty now. He had been out longer than he planned on staying out for, but as long as he didn't have to hear any more fighting then it was fine. Beomgyu silently climbed up the big oak tree next to the balcony leading to his room. As he made it onto the porch he noticed that the light in his room was on. He peeked through the glass door, only to find his brother sitting on his bed. He looked impatient and kept glancing at Beomgyu's alarm clock on his bedside table so Beomgyu quietly knocked on the door to get his attention. He walked over and opened the door, stepping onto the porch to join Beomgyu.

"So, you're finally home."

"Chaemin-hyung," Beomgyu gave his older brother a small smile. "Hey." He was caught red-handed for sneaking out and he didn't even have an excuse.

"I won't tell, don't worry."

He breathed out of relief because thank goodness.

"After all, I know how you have to keep up your little perfect son act with eomma and appa."

Beomgyu froze. "W-what?"

"I know how hard you try to keep up this act, Beomgyu. You and you're reputation of being the perfect son because Junsu and I aren't and can't be even if we try. Third times the charm, right? That's probably what eomma and appa thought when they had you as their third son." Chaemin said in a cold tone. "Anyway the only reason I stayed up to wait for you is because I wanted to tell you that I'm moving in with Junsu hyung in Japan. I'm going to create music there and actually be supported unlike here."

"You know that I support you, right?" Beomgyu asked, "You're my brother and I will always support you so why does it even matter what eomma and appa think of you and Junsu? As long as the three of us stick together we'll be fine without them."

"I'm leaving tomorrow," Chamin stated, ignoring everything that Beomgyu had just said. "When you're old enough and ready to give up your perfect act then move to Japan with us. We'll be waiting, but right now-" he took a step closer to Beomgyu and glared at him, "-right now we hate you for being the way you are. Eomma and appa have always praised you and you never cared to share the attention. You're the child that they have always wanted. If they had a choice to get rid of me and Junsu they probably would have a long time ago. They just want you because it's always been you . You're all they need, but we're good older brothers so we stepped aside and let it go. You're all they've ever wanted, Beomgyu. I'm not going to ruin anything else because I've already done enough just by going after my dream."

Beomgyu stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond.

Chaemin wasn't wrong though. If anything he was more than right.

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"Beomgyu!" His eomma called from downstairs.


"Come eat breakfast!"

"Okay!" He got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. It was early, but he always got up early on weekends. Beomgyu then slipped on a white hoodie and some jeans that were rolled up at the bottom and ran downstairs.

It Started With Ramen || Soogyu/Beombin || TXT ✔︎ [POSTPONED(?)]Where stories live. Discover now