Chapter 3: Same Day, Second Meet

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Saturday, 12:16 PM

Yeonjun handed him the next order to yell out as he placed three Vanilla Beans on the pick-up counter.

Three Vanilla Beans for-


Yeonjun nudged Soobin with his arm. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

Soobin quickly shook his head. “Nope. Why would something be wrong? Nothing's wrong here.” He faked a smile.

“Then what’s taking you so long to call out that order?” Yeonjun raised an eyebrow at the younger boy as he wiped away some whipped cream and a small puddle of coffee. “You usually call it right away.”

He hesitated, his eyes flickering from the drinks to Yeonjun, trying to think of something to say. “It’s just uh, three drinks for one person? Why didn’t they just get a grande then, right?” Soobin awkwardly laughed and tried to play it off cool, but Yeonjun narrowed his eyes instead.

“What’s up with you?” He moved closer to Soobin, analyzing him. “Could it perhaps be the fact that these drinks are going to The Choi Beomgyu that you ran into last night?”

“Technically it was this morning,” Soobin corrected, “But no, of course not.”

“There’s no need to lie, Binnie.”

“I just-” Soobin faltered, “Don’t you think it’s strange how we bumped into each other this morning and now I’m about to call out his order? Like, meeting twice in one day? It's weird, isn't it?"

“Uh, no? It’s just a coincidence, Soobin. There’s no need to overthink it like how you overthink everything.”

Soobin opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. Did he really overthink everything? Maybe it really wasn’t all that strange. Things like this happen to people all the time, right? And maybe it was just for today that he would meet with Beomgyu again. A coincidence is all it is.

“Vanilla Bean for Beomgyu!” Soobin called out, putting a straw in each cup. He leaned over the counter a bit, instantly spotting Beomgyu walking over. Seeing the other boy suddenly gave Soobin this weird feeling and all of the questions from before came flooding back. He was overthinking again and he knew it but he didn’t care. A strange panic-like feeling started rising in his chest and he turned back to Yeonjun, trying to stay calm as he spoke. “I’m taking my ten minute break, hyung."

“Why?” Yeonjun questioned. “We usually take our breaks together.” He had a small pout on his face and purposefully made Soobin feel bad.

“I know, but-”

“You just don’t want to have to talk to Beomgyu again?” the older boy guessed, “Because according to you it’s weird and totally not a coincidence, but like, fate or something.”

Soobin’s eye widened. “Fate? I never said anything about fate. Fate is completely different. If you say that it’s fate then that makes it sound roman-”

“Soobin hyung?” A voice popped up and Soobin slowly turned around to meet with Beomgyu’s brown doe eyes.

“Hey, Beomgyu.” Soobin forced out a smile.

The younger boy opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Yeonjun.

“Bamgyu!” he said loudly, getting a few customers to look their way. “Are you following my dear Soobin around? He told me all about your guys meet at Mr. K’s.”

Bamgyu? Soobin thought to himself, Since when did Yeonjun get on nickname terms with him?

“Ah, Junnie hyung. Hi.” Beomgyu bowed. When he straightened up Soobin could see his pink tinted cheeks, assuming that it was just because of what Yeonjun had said and so he kicked Yeonjun’s leg below the counter as a why would you say that and embarrass him? kind of kick.

It Started With Ramen || Soogyu/Beombin || TXT ✔︎ [POSTPONED(?)]Where stories live. Discover now