Chapter 3

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            I woke up and at the sight of her still snuggling on my chest she looked so peaceful so magnificent I couldn't help but stare. I finally got out of bed careful not to wake her up but that didn't work out so well I could see her eyes fluttering awake. "Hey," I said "Hey," she said and gave me a sleepy smile, I smiled back.

          Just then my phone buzzed I took it out and it said Hey dude you should come over we can play pool Dan I looked back up and put the phone away I guess she saw me worried cause she asked " what's wrong?" I just told her that I had to go meet up with friends and that she should just stay at my house till I got back and she said OK I felt bad just for just leaving her but she insisted that I go.

         I couldn't say no to her so I went. Once I got there we all started a competitive competition we played in silence until Dan a asked "So how's it going," I told him "I think I got her," and he responded "Great you still have a week left" oh god I forgot about the bet I've just been so wrapped up with  Emily that I forgot I just hope she never finds out the truth I don't ever wanna hurt her. I got back home after about and hour or two.

        "Hey, Emily I'm home where are you?," No response "Emily," I walked around and couldn't find her in the corner of my eye I could see a note it read hey sorry I left I got hungry and I'm hanging with some friends I'll see you at 3 I looked at my watch it said 3 she should be home by now just there she burst through the door "Hey" I said and she just smiled and pecked my cheeks.

         1 week later

        "Ok I got to get something I'll be right back these are my friends Emily" "Hi" she said

        Emily's pov

        It's been two weeks and I just can't stop thinking about Aaron we decided that I should move in with him and I said OK and now I'm just standing here waiting for him and then one of his friends , I think it's Dan, he says "he's still dating you its been two weeks," "What" I said "Your just the bet I can't believe he's still dating you , your the bet" I could feel tears sting my eyes as I ran away I could here Aaron come after me and I turn around and burst "Am I just a bet to you?" I could see hurt in his eyes and regret as he says "I didn't mean for you to find out I still love it wasn't supposed to end up like this," he avoided eye contact

        I just couldn't believe it I'm such a fool I ran away from him, I could here him right behind me yelling my name but I didn't stop it took me about an hour or so to get to my apartment once I got there I broke apart I couldn't stop tears stinging my face. As I thought about him I thought he loved me i thought he was the one he brought put the best of me i can't believe this why??. And then I blacked out

         Aarons pov

         It's been a week since of what happened she left all her stuff at my house. I've been a wreck the past week she never answered her calls or text messages she's never at her apartment and when i asked her friends if they've ever seen her they just glare at me. And Dan he's well i forgave him he never knew. But Emily oh Emily i just can't forget about her. I decided that i should get out of the house and i took a jog in mine and Emily's favorite park. Just as I'm walking i saw her but she's with someone else, no, no , no it can't be but she seems sad with him, depressed even,

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