The Storm

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"Love it babe, love it babe, love it babe

Baby you don't know what you do to me

Between me and you I feel a chemistry

I won't let no one come and take your place

'Cause the love you give it can't be replaced

See no one else can love me like you do

That's why I want to spend my life with you

Wanna please you in anyway I can

Wanna share my world don't you understand

Your love is a one in a million, it goes on and on and on

You give me a really good feelin', all day long

Your love is a one in a million, it goes on and on and on

You give me a really good feelin', all day long

Turn me inside out you make my heart speak

I don't need no one else you are all I need

Personality and everything you do"

My alarm played for me to wake up. Today was Thursday the day of the storm... the day my life changed... the day I lost everything that was a part of me... the day I never thought would come..... Hurricane Noah

Wait let me start over so y'all can understand where Im coming from.


*October 2,2013*

it was 5 am when I finally opened my eyes to the bright sun beaming fiery rays in my honey eyes as they slowly opened as my mom peeped inside my room

Momma:"Poodle are you up?"

My momma always called me poodle because of my naturally curly hair that's this sandy brown and reddish color that never changes colors been that way since day 1 *shrugs*


Momma:40 minutes

She said closing my door

I got out  my bed grabbing a matching pair of bra and panties out my dresser and walked to the bathroom right when i got to the door Brenan darted to it I blocked it and kept pushing me out the way making us repeat the current action over and over again

Brenan:Girl if you don't move!

Me:you move!

Brenan:Myiah stop playing i gotta piss


I pushed him alil but he didnt move Brenan:imma piss all over you you betta get out my way

Myiah: boy you ain't gonna piss on nobody

Brenan:want a bet

I looked at him crazy as he began untying his basketball shorts

Me:Brenan stop! Im tellin momma!

Brenan: girl ain't nobody doing nothing to you Im trynna save time which you waisting ima piss on the floor is what about to happen


I scoffed and looked away from him till I caught a prerefrial(forgot how to spell it) vision of him bout to take "it" out

Myiah:what the he'll are you doing!

I moved back from him

Brenan:Well you taking forever nigga

He told me with a attitude and pulled his shorts to his mid thigh


I moved to the closet in my room as he opened the door rushing in I could hear him it was awkward



Brenan:Real talk like all seriousness right now fool.......... I gotta use the bathroom now that I think of it

Myiah:Brenan we don't got time for your 4 hour bathroom sessions

Brenan: shutup Myiah

I was gonna say something till I heard loud sirens


I grabbed my emergency bag and slipped on my furry boots  running to my night stand grabbing my phone and chargers and earphones and medicine bag stuffing it all into a over night bag with other personals and a jacket out my closet brenan rushed out the bathroom and out my room behind me darting to him room across from me and back out within a blink we both rushed downstairs

See in my city you gotta keep emergency suitcases and bags around you never know what may happen especially when its a storm we be prepared

We rushed down to the livingroom  with everyone else holding onto my mom and brothers and dad I was sweating bullets

Daddy:My' you ok?

Me: Mhm

Momma:everyone ok just stay calm and hold on

Braylon: *silently crying *

Me:ssshhhh*rocking him*

It got dark all of the sudden it was a  huge wave of water coming up on our yard we huddled tight and close together ducking the wave must have been powerful because the windows  broke The water hit our bodies  like a bowling ball knocking down pins next thing we know we Going separate ways throughout the house

End Of Flashback

And that's all I remember everything else before is a blur I woke up bout a month later in a room hooked up to many cords and machines I couldn't hear  and my head felt like it was empty I looked around  and I could see  doctors  talking to me and I looked down and saw this bright little boy he had to be about 2 cutest thing I ever seen he had a couple scars on his arms and legs and a nasty blue and black  bruise on his eyes that was kinna bloody in the bottom of the inside of them the bruise  that's fading into his natural color he climbed up in the bed with me and hugged me tightly after kissing my cheek I looked at him and wrapped my arms around him smiling I looked up wondering wear his parents where and why they left him alone poor baby

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