New Start

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Wow I been here for 2 years crazy how time just flies by.....that little boy I met a while back in this very room is actually my baby brother who is currently 4 now.

After finally recollecting myself and gaining all of my memory back I found out that my brothers and mom and daddy died I kinna got quiet but then I realized that I can't just think of myself here I got a baby brother who I got to think of I got to take care of him and get him secured you know start fresh itl give us both some time to regain I know he too young to understand but I got to atleast get him to know whats Going on..... maybe itl be easier to explain over breakfast

As I made my way downstairs to the kitchen I finally came up with an idea


Braylon: yes

Me: comehere little man

I could here his little feet running into the kitchen where I was I picked him up and sat him on the counter

Me:alright Braylon you know this ain't easy for me to explain to you you're so young but I want you to help me help you understand


Me:okay...... you know momma daddy Brenan Tyrin and Chris not with us nomore right? Do you get that?

Braylon:......I think.. the storm took them away.... the nice men told me when you was sick.... they died

WOW hes smarter than i thought

ME:right..... do you have any questions? Anything you wanna know?

Braylon:..... Myiah? daddy Going to hell for lying to momma about me and my momma

Me:no..... no.... no baby idk where daddy Going but hes not Going there..... I hope not...look I was thinking that maybe we can start over..... in another place.... somewhere else to where we can have a better life... what you think?

Braylon: can we move to Disney land!

Me:uuhhmm nooo I don't think our things is gonna fit there..... look I know a couple friends in North Carolina we can crash with til we get enough money to live alone

Braylon:aunt Sydney live there

ME:right.. I didn't think about aunt syd. You too smart for your own good you know that? Okay imma cook breakfast and you go get dressed while I call aunt Sydney ill call you when breakfast ready ok?


ME: Alright!

I hopped him off the counter and watched him run to him room as I took waffles, Bacon, sausage links,fruit,eggs,orange juice and butter out the freezer and refrigerator and began cooking as I called my aunt Sydney.

Aunt Sydney

I was sitting at my island table drinking coffee thinking of all the good times I had with my baby brother and sister in law and my neice and nephews and all my fami and how I was Going to miss them so until my phone rung and I looked at the caller id and I saw my baby name flash across the screen "Myiah " my favorite neice I answered it before it got too late

ME:Hey poodle how you doing baby?

Myiah: Hey aunt Sydney! We are good I was just wondering if it was Ok for me and Braylon to come stay with you for a while until we get on our feet I can't stay here nomore too many memories I Jus wanna get away. I could go stay with Amber if its too mu -

ME:no you will not! You bring your brother and you stay here and keep your old aunnie company.... give you a chance to meet that nice boy we always talk about

Me: aunn Sydney I appreciate it but I really don't got time for boys I got Braylon and work and school and babysitting Im shure Tye a nice but we both know Im not ready fr a relationship..... just not ready for one

Me: Well that's good to know youre in your books but I know there has to be someone looking fr you

Myiah:no.....its nothing....... uhmmm so should we wait for you tell us or....

Me:be ready by Friday ill be waiting at the airport

Myiah:alright ill see you there... Braylon!.... ok aunnie I got to go ill call you later

Me:alright baby bye love you

Myiah: bye love you too

*Click *

Tbh with y'all I miss my family So much but I  only have Braylon and I have to look out for him...So when we got done eating breakfast I went upstairs Nd

packed my things Nd I we to braylon room Nd helped him pack his things Nd I went online and bought our tickets Nd waited till tomorrow morning

Next morning I got up and got in the shower and I brush my teeth and washed my face and I put on my matching bra and panties and put on my clothes Nd den

I woke up Braylon Nd he took a bath Nd got ready Nd I called a cab Nd we waited 10 minutes Nd we went to the airport and got on the plane and we were on our way to our aunt.... We got there and I looked out the window Nd saw my aunt

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