Chapter 18: Goodbye Carter

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Cameron POV

i woke up to my alarm clock, its usually set for 10:00am so yeah its currently 10:00.

i got out of bed then put on my black adida track pants. I decided not to put a shirt on.

i went over to Nash and Carter's room because they have to share.

me and Ariana get our own room because were older.

"GUYS, WAKE UP!" I yelled then turning their light on.

Then i left out, then i went to Ariana's room.

She was sleeping like a little angel.

"WAKE UP!!" I Yelled then turning her light on too.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she yelled back then going back to sleep

"Grumpy pants" i mumbled under my voice"

"sorry, i have no pants on!" she said comming back at me.

"Whatever ariana! Its 10:05! Wakie wakie!" i said

then i left her room and went downstairs to cook breakfast.

i decided to cook, waffles and turkey bacon.

I put the bacon in the pan and the waffles in the toaster oven.

while i was waiting for the bacon to be flipped and the waffles to be finished, i sat against the kitchen island and waited.

While i was sitting their waiting, Carter had came downstairs

"morning bro" carter said

"goodmorning carter"

"breakfast finished yet?" He asked

"almost, wassup?" i asked

"well, my girlfriend wants me to move in with her" he said in shame

"wait what? When did you get a girlfriend?" i said confused

"well we've been going out for a while now, about a year"

"and why didnt i know about this?"

"i dont know, guess i never got around to telling you"

"oh, well cool! Im happy for you, are you going?" i asked

"yes.." he said dissapointedly

"ard man when you leaving?"

"today, i wont be able to come to Hawaii with you and the rest"

"aww man, your gonna miss out! I support you though, goodluck with everything" i said then we gave eachother a manly hug

"ard imma go pack okay?" Carter said

i shook my head yes then he went upstairs to pack

after the talk i had with carter, the food was finished so i put all the bacon on a plate and all the waffles on a different plate.

"FOOD IS READY!" I yelled

then Nash came running downstairs

"morning bud" i said to nash

"morning!" he said making himself a plate.

"did you hear about carter?" i asked him

"nope, what happened?" he said then taking a bite of his bacon

"he's leaving us, to be with his girlfriend"

"oh, well we could still hang with him sometime right? I mean this isnt really a big deal" he said

"true, he isnt comming to Hawaii neither"

"wow, He's gonna miss out"

"thats what i was saying" i said

then we both chuckled

after a while, carter came downstairs with suitcases

"im going to miss yall" he said then giving nash a hug then me

"imma miss you too man" i said

"me too" nash said

"well its not like this is the end, im gonna visit as much as i can and were still going to be brothers" carter said

that left me and nash with the biggest smile on our face

"tell Ariana i said bye for me?" carter asked

"yeah sure" i said

"ard seeya bros!" carter said

"baaaiiii!" me and nash said while waving

then he was gone........



Thanks for reading another chapter!!! this chapter wasnt too bad was it? i still love carter

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