Chapter 1

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New story ch1 is up! Your comments, feedback and votes always mean alot so i hope you like this new story! xx

"Listen up. I want you to meet your newest member of Intelligence, Detective Cassie Hunt."

Jay and Voight looked at each other as Cassie went around meeting the other members. Then Voight added, "Halstead will be your partner."

Cassie had now come in front of Jay's desk. Deciding it was best to keep his cool, Jay stood up to shake her hand. "Welcome to Intelligence, Detective Hunt."

She nodded her head. "I'm looking forward to working with all of you." But her eyes never left Jay's gaze. 

Cassie turned to take her place on her desk. She saw Jay get up and walk into the breakroom. She couldn't help but notice he was angry.

She followed him into the break room. "Jay."

He turned around, his jaw clenching. "Why are you here, Cassie?"

She was taken aback by his question. "I-."

Before she could answer Jay just shook his head. "You know what? Don't answer that."

"Look I know you're angry," she began. "But-."

Jay stopped her. "I really don't want to talk about it, Cass." With that, he walked out of the breakroom, and back to his desk.

Cassie leaned against the counter.

"Hey Cassie, we caught a case," Hailey came in. She saw Cassie's expression and asked, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah I-uh...yeah, I'm good," Cassie nodded. 

"Well if you ever want to talk, I'm always here to listen," Hailey told her.

"Thanks, Hailey," Cassie smiled. "Let's get going."


At the crime scene,  the team gathered whatever information they could but it was nothing concrete. There were, as yet, no witnesses to the death of a 16 year old girl.

Back at the district, Kim and Kevin got the board ready, with whatever facts they knew so far, which was close to zero at the moment.

"What do we know so far?" Voight asked coming out from his office.

"We got an ID. Her name was Samantha Bricks," Kim began. "She was basically an A+ student at Chicago Academy High School."

Cassie got off the phone. "I just got off the phone with the ME. She says cause of death is blunt force trauma to the back of the head."

"Robbery gone wrong?" Adam wondered aloud.

"Can't rule it out as yet," Voight said. "Halstead, you and Hunt go to the girl's mother. See if she can shed any light on who may have wanted to kill her daughter."

Jay and Cassie left the bullpen. They drove in silence.

Once at the house, Jay got out and Cassie followed. The moment they reached the door, they realised it was already unlocked.

Jay immediately grabbed his gun from its holster as Cassie followed suite. They entered the house quietly, searching every room. 

Then there was a gunshot and Jay turned. Cassie wasn't behind him. He immediately ran in the direction of the gunshot, and found Cassie on the floor, her head bleeding. He was kneeling beside her in an instant, simultaneously radioing for an ambulance.

Her eyes fluttered open. "N-not s-shot," she told him weakly. "Perp j-jumped m-me."

"Okay, just save your energy, Cass" Jay advised gently. "The ambo is on its way."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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