Cuddles, Please?

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Your POV
I sighed snuggling deeper into the soft blankets while I continued to watch Jane The Virgin on the couch. Light shone in whenever the wind blew the curtains apart. It was nice outside, the sun was shining, it was warm but not too warm and a little bit of wind the day was perfect. But of course I wasn't feeling my best. I woke up having horrible cramps then not even 20 minutes later I got my period. So I was definitely not a happy camper.

I had been watching tv for about an hour when my phone started to ring My Love flashed across the screen as it buzzed. "Hi Shawn." I answered with a small smile tugging at my lips. Shawn was my boyfriend of 2 years. Our love for each other grew each and every second when we were together or apart. "Hi baby, it's absolutely beautiful outside. Would you want to go for a walk and maybe a picnic?" He asked.

I sighed, "I'm so sorry Shawn, I don't feel good and have really bad cramps. I don't think I'll be able to do a picnic today.". I frowned thinking of how nice that would be. "Hey it's okay, I'm on my way over right now. I love spending time with you anyway that I can. Is there anything that you want before I come Y/N?" He asked.

"Cuddles, please?"
"Of course, I'll be over in a few minutes. I love you."
"I love you too. See you in a few." Once the call was over I put my phone down, smiled and sighed in content. Happy to have such an amazing boyfriend who will do anything and everything for me.

Hey guys, I hope you liked this imagine it's the first one I've written in a while hope I'm still in the swing of things😂

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