I just want to be noticed (Diego and Klaus)

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Is it too much to ask for someone to notice me? I just want to be seen and heard, to be like my brothers and sister. Well I guess sisters now. Considering everyone now knows that Vanya had this power hidden inside of her. But no one seems to see me... let me get you up to speed.

My name is Sapphire Hargreeves, yes that's right I'm another one of the children. A child that was brought from her family to apparently save the world from the "apocalypse". Mother decided my name, she says to me that she loves sapphires (even if she hasn't actually seen one in real life but I let that slide.) Father though, calls me 'Number Eight', just like he does with my siblings. And doesn't bother with us unless its for missions. Klaus and I used to laugh about the fact our proper names were actually numbers but as we grew up we all found it quite annoying. 

Your probably wondering, 'so Sapphire what's your deal? "What super power" did the earth give you? How do I rank you with the rest of your family?' Welllll... Mines isn't great and never really helped me as a kid to stop theft or crimes. But Pogo did recently tell me "I only scratched the surface of my powers and capability". I can turn into any animal I please and every so often I can read peoples minds. I say every 'so often' assss you know... I never really got the hang of it.

Now lets get back to now. Two days till this "apocalypse". Diego and I sit on the small sofa together. His arm wrapped loosely round my shoulder. Klaus paces back and forth clenching his hands together in a fist. 

"Your tellin me that Vanya has some sort of power?" I say calmly trying to understand how my sister, who we all thought for years was just an average human (god how I wish that could be me). Diego looks up at me and shrugs,

"I don't know... space monkey over there won't let me TALK to her, so I can't find out,"

Luther glares at Diego ,

"Like I said she's dangerous, look what she did to Alison." Luther spits back at us.

"Guys we are talking about Vanya here.. the one who cried when we stepped on ants" Klaus says shakily. I hear it in his voice that even he is worried, I get up and support him. 

"Hey are you okay?" I whisper in his ear. He nods slowly and fidgets with his hands again, then I put it together. I drag him away from the group,

"Klaus... you stopped drinking? And the-"

"Sapphire I'd rather not talk about this right now.." He begins but I stop him,

"Klausy I'm so proud of you" I embrace him in a tight hug, resting my head in the crook of his neck. 

"OI when you two love birds are finished over there, can we get back to the fact that Vanya has a fucking power" Diego says from the room next to us. I can see he's staring right us. Still hugging Klaus I stick my tongue out at Diego. He cutely glares back at me. 

: Two hours later :

I sit in my childish room. Its filled with all my old drawings I used to do in my spare time. I look at one that has my wolf figure on it. The fur is a dirty blonde/brown colour, and the piercing green eyes look right at me. The ears pointed and teeth almost as if they are shining. I slowly begin to transform in the creature that I drew. 

I stare at my reflection. My "fur" covers one of my eyes almost completely, its all knotted and tangled as I haven't brushed my hair in ages. Suddenly the door creaks open, not knowing who it is I back into a corner trying to hide. Yes I'm not the bravest of my siblings, in fact I'd rather hide then fight, but that's not what my dumb arse father wanted so I had to deal with it. 

"Hey sapphire you in here?" Diego's voice calls out. He spots me immediately and sighs. 

"What's a puppy doing in here?" He jokes as he sits down beside me, I cheekily growl at him just to scare him. He hardly moves.

"Nice try," he chuckles and ruffles my fur. I slowly begin to change again, back to my human self that no one notices but that's fine... right?

"Hey" I say quietly. We both sit in silence for a few minutes but its not awkward, in fact its nice. Just to have someone's company but not feel as if you both need to talk all the time. 

"Diego... you... you think that the apocalypse that dad always talked about is here?" 

"Maybe.. but we saw that man earlier... five said he was the guy everyone was protecting so..." he sighs and looks at me,

"Whatever happens though... it will work out in the end for us... for our family, for you" He says smiling at me. I start to cry. Even if this world is pretty messed up and I haven't had the best of lives doesn't mean I want it to go away. 

"Maybe..." I say. 

Feeling my emotions get the better of me I transform into pine martin and slip easily out of Diego's grip. I ran away, looking for somewhere to hide so I can cry without anyone seeing. I don't think in all my years of being at the academy, that anyone has seen me cry. I wanted to show everyone that I was strong whilst I broke inside. No one saw. 

I make my way to the attic. No one goes there except Klaus when he smoked. But he's not doing that anymore so surely he wouldn't be there. But he is. Sitting up against the window I watch him as he softly cries to himself. Holding what seems to be a dog tag. I don't think I've seen Klaus cry this much before. Apart from when he fell down the stair when we were little.

"You shouldn't spy on people you know" he says through sobs. Turning around he looks at my small figure that sits on top of some piles of books.  I say nothing.

"Sapphire..." He wipes his eyes and walks over to me. "Stop being a meerkat and talk to me"

I glare at him and jump off the books, transforming back. "First off I was a Pine Martin. Not a Meerkat stupid." I giggle.

We talk for ages, about life and all our problems. I learn about Dave and how much Klaus wants to see him again hence why he wants to be sober. He learns stuff about me too. We started to loosen up to one another when a loud crash is heard from somewhere in the house. 

We make our way downstairs to see the house start to crumble around us. Luther runs past us,

"WHATS GOING ON?" i scream at him,

"Its Vanya... she's escaped"

Heyyyyy Guys this was a very long chapter this time. I hope you guys are enjoying this imagine book :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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