The day we met.....

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Standing face to face with destiny……….  That’s exactly what I’m doing at this very moment, standing alongside my friends and beloved trainer. Against the champion and her fearsome allies for the Sinnoh League championship………

It’s a position I never thought of finding myself in, especially considering that not too long ago I was nothing but a petty bully………


4 Months earlier ……….

A petty bully…. That’s how I would describe myself if you ask me about my not-so-distant past self, a rash and arrogant Scyther who terrorize both the Humans and Pokémons of route 210. Being bigger and more well equip for battles than most other creatures in your area is one hell of an advantage, and I love it. Being able to force others to bend under my will is one of the most satisfying feeling that exist in this world I tell you.

And trainers? PPPFFFTTTT, don’t even think about it. They’re people with low intelligence who only have low level muts on their arsenal, in the other words, an utter walk in the park. And for a long time, this is how things goes in Route 210. I honestly thought I was living the best life possible for a Pokémon, then that encounter happens.........

It was an ordinary day, I was minding my own business in the tall grass when I hear rustling coming closer and closer to me. I stood up, getting myself into my battle stance fully expecting a trainer battle coming up. And sure enough, out of the tall grass emerge a kid no more than 12, who’s dress as if he’s going on a hiking expedition.

“Whoa!!!!” He shouts utterly surprise at my appearance, he jumps back as he grabs a poke ball out his belt. “Monferno!”

A monkey like Pokémon comes out the poke ball, tbh looking at his ‘battle stance’ make me a chuckle a little. “Another easy trainer battle” I thought. As I was doing this the kid pulled out a tablet like device out of his pocket and after a few moments it spoke.

“Scyther; The Mantis Pokémon, Bug-flying type. The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects”

“Scyther….... Bug-Flying……. Hhmmmm.....” The boy muttered as he lowered the device and put it back into his pocket. “Looks like a good Pokémon to catch to balance my team out”

- “You wanna catch and add me to your team?”- I snarled. - “Don’t you even think you could do that you low level muts!!”-

- “How dare you to call me and Lucas low level!”- The Monferno decide to make himself known. - “I’ll make sure you pay for your inexcusable bad mouthing!”-

- “Let’s see how that went you little shit…….”- I scoffed as the trainer, apparently name Lucas, commands monferno to attack.

At that time, I thought this is going to be just another walk in the park trainer battle, but it turns out this battle will become the start of something else for me, something a lot greater than I could ever imagine………

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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