The playground

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I walked in a circle, and endless circle that when on forever. But it only felt as if I'd even walking in a straight line. I looked around and noticed I was in the woods of my little town. I forgot what I was doing, walking home I would assume. I looked back and saw my school, that I had attended for several years now.

I walked purposely in a circle to see what would happen. Funny enough, I began to walk in a sudden straight line. I passed by the park stopping to watch the eerie swings sway back and forth on their own. The chains rattled for attention and I walked toward them willingly enough.

It was a windy day and the sky was beyond gloomy. The perfect day to get abducted I guess. Weirdly enough I saw a suspicious, bald man walk by. He stared at me, dark black pits for eyes and continued forth. At this point the swings where frantically swaying, the rust and chains beginning to screech. I looked curiously and stopped them.
I grabbed one of the rustic chains and hopped on them. Swinging myself, I felt a great weight on my chest. I knew this would happen eventually, the great nostalgia weighing on me. Forcing me to remember my past. Never letting me forget that my mother was gone. That she would never come back.

It almost seemed like a lifetime ago, when she would push me on these swings. I remember it being the most boring of days and all of a sudden she would recommend a trip to the park. And suddenly it wasn't so boring anymore. But that was before and this is now. Such a gloomy presence this place carried. I looked on my phone, to see a very ironic song playing. The last song I was listening to right before I heard the news of my beloved mother's death.

It didn't actually seem like she was completely gone, not really. It felt as if she was just hiding from me and expecting me to come and find her. As if it was just another game of hers. I truly wish it was...

I continued walking home, as the sky began to darken. I put in my ear buds, playing whatever pleased me. Even though it was cold out, I still decided to wear shorts. Why? Because there wasn't a day that didn't give by that it was windy. Its funny and ironic because the day before mother died, it was sunny. A warm and happy day. Then the next day the sky turned a dark gray, as if it had been alerted of the sad news and was grieving with me.

The sky began to darken did I, into the depth of my thoughts, where my mental illness hid and my fears chased each other.

Authors note*

I was bored if it wasn't obvious already..I'm testing these weeks, so bear with me. I'm more tired than I usually am. And on top of that my swim practice dates have been all over the place. From 3 to 4 days :')

So I started this book, to just write about anything. A lil project on the side. Anyhow, I'm open to requests. For any short stories. (Any genre)

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