Rock Story :P

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    Once upon a time, I was a child. A small magma child. This was very long ago, before the dinosaurs even roamed the earth and ever set foot on the dirt we have now. I was resting in the steaming belly of my mother also known as my creator. And she had been sick the past few days, her belly of comfort heating up even more than it already had. Steam had been evaporating from her core. And I knew it would soon be the time that I would come into the world in a new form. Like my brothers and sisters before me they would be born into the world, the earth's crust as rock, fulfilling their purpose. One day it suddenly happened, it had been a week since mother's sickness had started and it had come to everyone as a shock.

Without any warning whatsoever, she shot all of us, out from her core, and we landed beside her, curious of this new world in front of us. All we ever knew was mother, it'd be sad to leave her, but I knew it was inevitable. I'd have to go out into the world on my own. I looked to my siblings for reassurance. But it didn't come. I felt a great force being brought upon the earth and All of a sudden I was rolling down a hill, plummeting down in a fast pace. I felt the friction rub against my body and I could feel the pressure of the ground slide up against me. I was used to heat so when the friction caused the type of pressure that I was burning up, it didn't bug me, it was natural.

Without much struggle, I slipped into an ocean. I had enough excitement for a day. So I decided to seep myself into the sand, wrapping myself in its blanket. I don't remember exactly how long I slept but when I woke up again, I was in a new place and other pieces of sand had permanently stuck on to me. The current, lifted me lightly causing me to jump up in the water. The water pulled me on and for several miles.

The truth hit me when the ocean led onto furious rapids. I wasn't magma anymore, and I should stop citing like it. I needed to act like the rock I was, there wasn't any mother to protect me now. Not from mother nature's anger or the brutal reality of life on earth. It was clear I was far from home now, nobody could protect me now. Not as I edged closer to the wretched pools.

I tossed and turn through the frantic river. I couldn't tell where I was going or heading to. I just went along with the tide. It didn't take long time but eventually the rapids smoothed out and it led onto a quiet stream that had a peaceful atmosphere to it. Out of the blue, I see a lizard-like creature gallops toward me, with its strong and fierce limbs, it drinks from it's precious waters and looks at me in awe. The awestruck creature takes a pause from its drinking just to look at me.

Before they can think of what to do, the stream begins to hype up again. Once again, I'm set on a crazed journey, but I don't sleep, I want to be awake for the next change that happens to me. I don't have to wait long because the stream led to a large waterfall.

At this point, I was scared out of my wits that there was a chance that I might fall over. But then, a random log comes into view,and I clash into it, colliding with many other rocks. It seems like days, but soon the large and once thriving waterfall, has began to empty itself out. The other rocks I had collided with previously had gotten to know me more. Eventually we came into an agreement, with the help of my prior knowledge, to fuse, for better protection. It didn't happen immediately, but in a matter of time, we slowly began to form layers with each other. The waterfall had now become a huge ravine, and was now located in a dry and barren biome.

It was mid day, and it was many year from the day I left the comfort of mother, I wondered what ever happened to her, her and my siblings. It was mid-day and y now it was close to modern day. It was 1991, and the ravine had became a tiny museum, for any tourists or travelers coming through here. I was sitting upon my boulder, being the very bottom. I was an attraction rock, that people posed with and took pictures on. I was, by now an overpowering boulder, with many crystals and layers, and sand put together. Best of all, I spent it with a bigger family of rocks.

It was my last and final form. Life had made it mark on me, I was old, but i still had many years ahead of me. A little girl with sneakers walked up to the rock, and poked at the bottom. She looked like an adolescent. "Mom! Look at that fine specimen of a rock! Do you think they'd let me pick out a bit?"

"I see, Sadie, dear...I dunno, we'd have to ask a staff member.."

"I'll ask!" She says eagerly, asking toward the office.

"No! Wait!"

But the little girl hurried on, when she came back, she came with a staff member and a small pitch fork. "I've never seen someone as young as you be interested in rocks."

"It's because I wanna be a geologist when I get older, so I gotta be real smart!" She said with a great amount of enthusiasm.

The mother eyed the staff member, "She's gifted.." She whispered.

"Ah, that's good." She picked at me once more, and I was free for my family who I was with, almost nearly forever. "Here you go, i hope you enjoy it.." The staff said.

"Thank you miss!" She eyed me with great interest, the same way the stranger creature by the stream had. I later learned that it was a dinosaur I had seen. "You've had a long journey haven't you? It's okay, you're safe now." She told me with a delicate voice.


   This was a project I had to do in class, so if its boring I'm sorry, there's a lot of science in it soo.. yeeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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