Untitled Part 7

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As quickly as he kissed me was as quickly as it stopped, Will looked embarrased and scratched the back of his neck
"In sorry" I apologized for in reason
"Why are you apologizing? He asked me "well I honestly don't know" I answered back, Will opened his mouth to speak but Chiron came running towards the cabin "Ah, (y/n) its nice to see you awake, I must tell you the details of the quest you are going to" he said to me, I loom at Will for answers but he just laughs
"Right I forgot to tell you about that" he said
"Wait,I just got a quest?!" I yelled
"More like Percy Jackson got a quest, but you and a child of Apollo will go, and Annabeth is thinking about it too " Chiron said, OMG I am finally getting out pf this dump, well that not the right word, more like finally getting out of camp, its been 5 years since I've been arrived! I haven't gotten out of camo for Annabeths sake! And maybe just maybe we both are going out! While I thought that Annabeth came running to the cabin,
"Hey Chiron, I need to tell you that I not going to be able to make it, I'm not going to the quest, I am too busy with the Atgena cabin, so I cant go" she sounded genuinely sad, I looked a her sadly
"I'm sorry Annabeth, I was really hoping you could come" I said to her, she looks at me and just nods, she leaves the cabin, leaving Will, Chiron and me with a bit of a sad aura,

(time skip brought to you by Persassius Jackson)
If was 5 in the morning and we where leaving for the quest, it was decided that Peecy, Will and me where going to the quest, I was nervous as heck, its been too long since ive been out, it seemed like a fanatsy, me and Percy where looking outside while will was looking at a picture of his mom and him when he was kid, me and Will have been through a lot.


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