Then, Today, Or in the Future- Everything Changes.

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  "Why?" The phone almost fell from their hand as they saw the new headline.


  It just didn't make sense in their eyes. Call them pro-choice; they called themself pro-rights. Killing someone for trying to support themselves when they knew they couldn't handle a small, crying creature? It was wrong to them. Society was wrong. It was in the American Declaration of Independence- written by Mr. Thomas Jefferson himself. A person, at birth, was given 3 unalienable rights. Life. Liberty. And the Pursuit of Happiness. One could not argue a fetus has these as they are given at birth.

  The pursuit of happiness is what a person is exercising at times- other times it is the pursuit to live. People get abortions for many reasons. Some times, they were not ready to have a child and weren't careful, other times they were forced into the position unwillingly, and even other times it was the matter of if they do not the carrier could die too.

  So why must the government choose such a law? Are they uneducated? That's impossible isn't it? Children of the world today- our newest generation- they are going to change the world. They know of these problems. It's in their curriculum. So why wouldn't the adults who are forced to deal with it understanding it as children do? They do. They certainly do.

  The society had changed for the worse.


  There was a new headline that made them shutter.


  (Warning: I, the author, am not fully educated on all the effects of this, and I could mess some things up here. Please forgive me. I just believed it was something important to address.)

  They knew. They knew well. They lived on an American coast. One that had recieved floof after flood for the past few years- hurricanes and floods had left their home underwater and having to relocate once. A nearby big city had been underwater multiple times. Places had had over 7 feet of water enter their buildings. It had gotten so bad that people now expected at least a flood a year around either memorial day or the end of summer.  This year didn't disappoint.

  The world was being destroyed by humans.

  If people became more educated on such a topic, maybe things would change. Maybe.

  If the humans changed, would society work to use cleaner energy? Would society change to accommodate with and waste less trash? Would society finally attempt to do something about the giant trash islands of the oceans?

Or would society do nothing?

  What about the efforts of one person?

  What could one person possibly do?

  Could they raise the word of what was happening? Or would they have to fight the world on their own believing they couldn't do anything? No. Nothing could or would have ever gotten done if one person hadn't stepped up at one point and done something. They could have inspired the person who changed the world. They could have been the person to reform the society. Or they could have been the change. Could make it happen. Of they tried.

  So people needed more education on what they did to their world around them. And quick.

  Because the world was changing.

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