First day of school

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( Tyla's pov )

* Riiiinnng riiiiinnnng riiiiinnnng *

The sound of my phone alarm blaring in my ear wakes me up out of my deep sleep.

"Ty get up! Get up" my little brother Isaiah screams

"I'm up zay" I replied agitated

I got out of bed did my hygiene routine as normal and got ready for school , after I finished getting ready I got my little brother zay ready for his first day of 1st grade

"Ty ?" Zay said " is 1st grade fun ?"

" I'm pretty sure you gonna have a great day , just be yourself" I replied

"I'm always myself , I'm gonna get all the girls watch" he said with a smirk on his face.

After I got zay ready we went downstairs for breakfast i got zay his favorite cereal  crunch & I ate some as well.

"GOODMORNING Babies!" My mom said coming downstairs with her work clothes on ..

"Morning momma" we replied

" you guys ready for your first day at new schools?"

" sure " I said sarcastically

" don't be so sarcastic Ty everything is going to be fine"

" easy for you to say your not the one starting at a new school"

" but I'm starting at a new job , so I know how it feels "

"Sure you do"

I went back upstairs to get my phone off the charger , my charger , headphones and bag .. I took a last look at myself in the mirror I actually looked really cute .. I had on high waisted black skinnies .. White fitted shirt , blue and red plaid shirt around my waist and some white converse .. My bag was this brown purse. I sprayed on my favorite perfume Kim k , my hair was just natural curly. I walked back down stairs.

"Your keys are on the key hook! I'm leaving. " I heard my moms voice echo then heard the door close.

"Are you ready zay ?


"Let's go"

I grabbed my keys off the hook and we headed outside to my car , i have a 2005 x5 bmw in white. I buckled zay in the back seat and made sure he was strapped tight .. I put my bag in the passenger seat and got in the car put my seat belt on & headed off to zays school.. When we pulled up to zays school i unbuckled his seat belt & walked him to his first grade class.

"I love you zay" I said as I walked back to the car

"Love you too" he said

I went back to the car got in & headed off to school..

( Ty pov )

I didn't formally introduce myself I'm Tyla but I go by Ty , I'm 17 years old 5'5 with a nice body , I'm mixed with black , white & Indian .. My hair stops in the middle of my back its not to long and not to short only when it's wet and curly then it shrinks , I have my own car a bmw that I got from my dad before he got locked up. It's just me my little brother and mom now .. I got a bad attitude that I can control unless you get on my bad side.. That pretty much sums up everything about me.

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