Chapter 1- Qrow Branwen; Drunkard, Hunter, Savior?

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Qrow's POV, the Schnee Manor

"Listen, I hate you, but I need a favor. There's someone I need to help escape from somewhere." Ice Queen leads me down one of the hallways of her "oh so rich" manor, to a door with multiple locks on it. "Alright, I'll bite. Who needs help, and where do they need to escape from?" She gestures to the door before whispering to me, "From here." I give her a confused look while she undoes the locks and opens the door.


"Hey, Trash, a Hunter wants to talk to you. No idea why, but listen to him." Winter opens the door, the same annoyed look on her face before walking off. Entering the room after she leaves is a man wearing a red cape, with black hair and red eyes. He sits on the floor in front of me, pulling a flask out and drinking from it.

"So, you're who she wants me to help escape? What's your name, kid?" The Hunter puts his flask back after finishing his drink while I sit in wonder that Winter actually wants to save me from this place. "Y-Y/N, sir..." He laughs, startling me before getting up and walking to the bolted shut window. "Don't call me sir, Kid, you'll make me feel old. Name's Qrow Branwen, but just call me Qrow. Now, pack your shit, I'm getting you out of here." I blink before standing and pulling a floorboard up in the corner, grabbing the gi and suit from beneath it, as well as my earring, putting it on. He chuckles at the sight of the suit, but says nothing, just moving away from the window towards the door. "C'mon, Kid. Let's get you somewhere safe."

I nod, following Qrow all the way to a bullhead, climbing in with him. "How old are ya, Kid?" I sit down and set my gi and suit to the side. "Seven." Qrow laughs and pulls out a photograph of a girl with silver eyes and black-red hair. "Same age as my niece, Ruby. Say, Kid, how'd you like a chance for a real family, one that won't hurt you, or anything like that?" I can't help but smile lightly at the thought. A true family. A second chance. A life of love and care, not hate. Looking up, I happily hand the photo back to Qrow. "I'd very much appreciate that." He smiles and pulls out his scroll, talming to someone. "Hey, Sum? You know how you said you wanted someone for Ruby to grow up with that was the same age? Well, I think I may have found that kid. Alright, we're on the way now." He ends the call and goes to talk to the pilot, leaving me on my own. I look down at the suit next to me and grab it, changing into it, without the tie. I finish pulling the jacket on just as Qrow comes back in, and he smirks.

"Lookin' sharp, Kid. Why no tie, though?" I sit back down, picking up the tie in one hand, looking down. "Never learned how to tie one." He just smiles and gestures for me to stand up. After I do, he takes the tie and pulls up my collar, starting to tie it for me. "Y'know, I was never one for ties myself, but I've been known to wear one from time to time." He stops talking when he's done tying it, and sits back down. "Get some sleep, Kid. This is gonna be a long flight." I nod, yawning and sitting back down, closing my eyes.

Some time later....

"Hey, Kid, wake up, we're here." Qrow grabs my shoulder, shaking me a bit to wake me up. "I'm up, I'm up..." I blink my eyes open a few times, squinting in the dim evening sun. The broken moon is barely hanging above the horizon, and I let my tail come out from underneath my shirt, letting it swing gingerly side to side. Qrow looks surprised by it, but just chuckles and walks on, prompting me to follow him to the wooden house in front of us.

Upon reaching the house, he knocks a couple of times before a woman with black-red hair and silver eyes wearing a white cloak answers it, a knife poking out of her sleeve. "Oh, it's just you, Qrow. You know you really should've told us you landed." He just laughs and hugs the woman, seeming careful for some reason. "Well, you know how I am, Summer. Always want to make a surprise entrance." The woman, Summer, laughs before noticing me. "And who're you?" I look away. "Y/N, ma'am." She smiles and moves out of the doorway, letting Qrow in before coming out to stand in front of me. "So polite. Do you want to come in?" I nod, following Summer into the house, where I see the girl from the photo, Ruby, and a blonde girl tackling and hugging Qrow. A blonde man on the couch laughs at the sight, getting up and helping Qrow to his feet. The sight makes me laugh a little, announcing my presence to the other three. The man looks at me, before going into the kitchen, smiling. The two girls are fascinated by my tail, and I wrap it around my waist.

"You wanna stay for dinner, Y/N? Tai always makes too much anyway, so you're welcome to join us." Ruby's eyes shine as she looks at me in wonder. "Please? Please stay?" I relent, taking the jacket of my suit off and placing it and my gi down, before following them into the dining room. The five of them sit at the table, while I cross my legs on the floor next to the table.

"You know you don't have to sit on the floor. Come on, sit down in a chair." I shake my head, closing my eyes. "No thanks. I prefer this." The group, aside from Qrow, seem surprised at my willingness to sit on the floor, but say nothing else about it, the blonde man setting multiple plates of food in front of me. "Help yourself. You look like you could eat an entire village's worth of food." Summer hits him in the arm for that, laughing. "Tai! Rude!" Tai laughs as well, but says nothing back. "Well, dig in everyone." The six of us eat, my own eating speed far faster than the five of theirs, surprising Qrow, who's kept his eye on me the entire time. Soon, what was a decently large amount of food is reduced to simply a small stack of plates and bowls. By the time they finish eating, I'm just finishing the last plate off, placing it on the stack. The other four, aside from Qrow, are amazed that I was able to finish so much food in so little time. I look away sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head.

"Thanks for the food, hehe." The group of them just smile and wave it off. "So, Y/N. Qrow said you don't have a family anymore? What happened?" My smile fades quickly, my tail unwrapping itself and flicking side to side quickly. "I don't wanna talk about them. Nothing happened to them." Summer notices this, and puts a hand on my shoulder, bringing me out of my anger. "Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, that's your choice, and we'll respect that. But, in all fairness, a seven year old boy like you can't survive on his own, so why not stay with us? We'd all be happy to have you." The group all smile at me, but what gets me to smile back are Ruby's shining silver eyes. I could never willingly hurt someone so innocent like her. "If you'll have me, I'd be glad to stay."

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