chapter 1 : / Reminder of past memories /

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I was about to get of my house. When suddenly my mother shouted from kitchen 'don't get yourself into a mess , like you did earlier.'
'Alright' i answered and left for my new school.

The day was sunny and the atmosphere was just like my previous city. I could see some students with the same dress as mine.
Two girls, walking ahead of me, started talking 'I am really excited for the new session of high school' girl with long blond hair spoke. 'Yeah! Me too.I heard this time there are many transfer students than previous year.'
Girl next to the blond girl spoke.

'yeah' It will be fun! Let's see who will be the new ugly asses.' The blond girl said laughing😁.

'New ugly asses huh' I don't think these girls have good intentions.

' Ugly Asses'

This word brings back memories........ Bad memories of my previous school.


I was sitting on my seat, getting bored. Students were reading out their assignments on the topic 'electrostatics', as it was physics period. Usually I enjoy physics lessons but today it's really boring.

'Alright, class! This is getting boring, so let's make it interesting. Let's do some cross questioning. You all are free to question the one speaking here. But remember it must be related to the topic'.

This process of reading out the assignments started again. This time it was fun. Because students were asking weird and stupid questions which doesn't make any sense and some were answering the questions with same stupidity.

Next turn was of yena. This girl is really full of ego....... Her parents are rich and she is a spoiled brat, who gets whatever she wants.

She started speaking on the topic and man!, she speaks really fast, like she is in a hurry to go somewhere.

One of the student asked her one question and she looked confused. After thinking for a long time she answered the question.That was not correct.

'You are wrong' I said raising my hand to get Yena's attention.

Author's p.o.v

Y/N said the correct answer of the question but yena adamantly says 'No' My answer is correct Y/N and you don't need to answer the question which are asked to me'.

Y/N was just trying to correct her but she looks like she doesn't need her help.

'Yena you answered it wrongly and don't act so arrogant. Y/N was just correcting you'. Teacher said.
The whole class started whispering. Yena was felt embarrassed and angry 😡 at Y/N. 'How dare she to speak against me?!' she thought .

No one ever talked back to Yena till now but Y/N did. Because of this , this small incident hurt her ego. She was determined to teach Y/N a lesson.

Y/N'S p.o.v

Physics period was over when the bell rang. It was lunch break. Finally, I am really hungry!! as I didn't have breakfast in the morning. I was taking my lunch out of my bag when someone slammed the duster on my desk.
End of Y/N'S p.o.v

'How dare you bitch,to talk back to me?' Yena shouted. ' I was correcting you' I said ignoring her and started walking forward to the school corridor. 'Look like your mother is an ignorant ugly ass like you'. She said smirking.

Author's p.o.v

Y/N was a 17 year's old girl . She was calm and observant. But she can't hear something against her parents. Yena just pushed the button of Y/N'S demon mode , disrespecting her mother. Y/N stopped,turned back and glared at Yena.

End of author's p.o.v

Yena threw the duster in her hand on Y/N but she dodged. The two girls started fighting like wild cats, pushing, kicking and slapping each other. A crowd of other students gathered around them watching them fighting. Some were recording the fight.

'Stop it you two' the teacher shouted , suddenly.
'Come to principal's office'.

Time skips:

I was at my home. A lot happened in school. They kicked me out of the school. But I did nothing wrong. That Yena just put all the blame on me , her friends were also supporting and taking her side. The principal didn't even bother to check out the facts. My mother was shocked to hear this because I was a calm person and never got into a fight until that happened.

I am lucky to have an understanding mother. I explained my mother everything, she's is not angry anymore but a bit upset because of principal.

'Y/N pack your bags, we are leaving for Seoul' my mother informed me.

'Seoul?' I said in confusion.
'Yes, your father just called me and told us to pack our bags'. He is getting transferred to Seoul because of some reasons! I didn't told your father about the fight so don't worry about it and we will enroll you into a new school . Don't worry honey everything will be alright.

'Yes mom' I said calmly.

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