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When we arrived at the King's quarters, were we first stopped. I then looked to the young female beside me then reminded myself I had no idea just how old she was, it was just her actions that made me feel she was young. Then realizing, I did not even know her name. I asked her she looked at me and said "translated it would be Lennon. It was given to me from my parents because of how I acted as a cub," she was a canine type. If looks counted her fur was a dark brown with red and blue highlights standing at about five and a half feet tall. She then told me she was the pilot of the ship that had rescued me and my family.

As we stood there the door opened and the King said, "please come in; both of you." Lennon seemed to shrink as the king included her. We walked in she came to attention and gave a movement with her arms that I guessed was a salute. The king returned it then she went back to attention the king told her "be at ease please sit," as he pointed to chairs near him. We sat and the King asked if we would like anything to eat or drink. I answered that we both would. I looked to the very scared and cringing wolf beside me and said, "it's OK there is nothing wrong;" she looked to me but did not relax.

The King said she had been in trouble before my rescue flying the craft unsafely and probably was worried she would be punished now. Even though she was told she had been given a new chance with the ship and mission to pick me up. He looked at her and said "you're not here to be punished," her eyes got big, and then she relaxed some.

A moment later a signal sounded as food and drink was brought in. After a moment of trying the drinks and such the King began talking first about the ship Lennon piloted, telling us it was assigned as my ship and that was in part why I had been with them the day before. Now with Lennon to learn how they were as a crew then asked, "what did I think of them and the ship?" My answer caused her to relax more as they seemed to be a very good group and though I had not actually looked at the ship but said thank you for it he nodded.

Then he began giving us a short history of the kingdom, starting with over a thousand years ago we were a group of war ships and solders; that grew tired of the never ending wars that the Empire was involved in. In some cases the great grand children were in the same ships fighting the "enemies" of the Empire. The enemies for the most part were just worlds that did not wish to be controlled by the Empire. After a world was completely destroyed and the race's there as well, the leader of the war group took a vote of all ships and crew if they wanted to stay in the war. Or for the matter in the Empire the vote was unanimous to leave, so they did and spent almost fifty years looking for a place to stay at or have a base, a world to call their own.

Though the records do not fully state how Capital and its location was found, given it was hidden almost completely by gas clouds and such. The next record written was after finding the system, it had in the "system" twelve suns all of different colors in a perfect circle. As to the worlds most were very large, being close to the size of Jupiter in the Sol system yet the gravity was close to earth normal. With an atmosphere that was not much higher pressure than what was in the ship and usually one that most could breathe. Most of them had few if any heavy metals. Then there were smaller ones with higher gravity that were mostly metal usually just of a single type and pure. Everyone at first was scared to even land, given the system by all evidence had been created by some race yet there was nothing left to show who. The evidence showed the entire system was around a half a billion years old and had never been used by anyone. At that point the battle group chose a world and settled and formed the kingdom, over the years spreading to use most of the system.

The way King's are chosen, is the current King would look for his or her (King was the title and not a based on the person) replacement for years or longer before they decided to step down.

Long ago a King could not find any person he felt could be King so a group of scientists spent a few years, making a device that could find a mind in a population that met with the requirements wanted and or desired. I sat there wondering why he had told me that part when Lennon made a strangling noise. I looked over at her and found she was looking at me with her eyes opened larger than normal and her jaws open (almost hanging open passed through my mind). She started dropping to the floor saying, "forgive my your highness" all the while looking at me. I said "please just sit down" which she did, looking scared again this time at me. I guessed why and told her there was nothing to forgive she looked at me and relaxed so then I said I was not the King. At that point the King looking at us said as you guessed I chose you years ago as the best possible person to be the next King.

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