The Plan part 2

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Opening my eyes all I could ask was just how many times would I wake up in a hospital? Looking around I saw Lennon sleeping next to the bed I was in. I went to move and found I could not. Even besides the point Stormy was on top of me looking at me with a look of anger on his face, darkness descended again.

Slowly sounds came through and a blinding light struggling to wake up it felt like I was drugged slowly I started to feel my body it was like how you feel when say your foot falls asleep and just begins to get feeling back...only it was my entire body I wanted to scream but nothing. I could vaguely make out someone near me then the world was black once again.

I was awake all at once I felt tired but I wanted out of that bed a few moments later I managed to sit up by that time someone noticed me and now the room was full it seemed like every one I knew was there, looking around I asked the only question that came to my mind "Why was I here.?" were ever I was was my thought "Sire" came from my side and I looked to the voice, it was a doctor "you almost died a few dozen times we had to revive you many times." "What happened to me?" "you were poisoned" I heard the word but I did not understand what that meant. I think I mumbled "tired" and was out again.

I kept hearing something as I opened my eyes I quickly closed them the light was blinding a minute later I tried again this time it was not quite as bad and I looked around a where I was it was a room with nothing on the walls just blank white walls. I found I could move and tried to sit up it took a second try before I could sit. At that moment the door opened and Lennon walked in then looked up at me and her eyes opened wide and ran back to the door and howled then turned around and in a bound was on the bed beside me talking so fast I could not understand then the room was filled with people most seemed to be doctors all talking at once. It made my head hurt so I said please be quiet no one heard me it seemed, I said quiet once again and could hear a low growl from beside me that quickly increased in volume everyone suddenly got quiet I looked beside me and almost moved as I could see what Lennon looked like I truly never wanted her mad at me. She growled "my Alpha wants quiet!" Then she looked at me and changed from a wolf with amazing big teeth, and so many of them it would scare you to a very timid wolf and put her head down across my shoulder and quietly said she had been so scared I moved my arm and held her. She started crying as I held her with me saying it was OK over and over.

"So would someone tell me what happened" one of the people in the room tore its eyes from Lennon and looked to me "Sire as you were escaping the council station you were poisoned and it was something we had never encountered before and we had to.." he stopped talking "yes go on" I said "Sire we had to make a new body for you and put your mind in it the poison was making every cell in your body turn into a liquid and then decompose" I blinked then picturing it shuddered. "OK not that much information" then the King came in and the room emptied fast as he moved to my side and looked at me for a minute then said "if you Ever do something like that again I will not be happy do you understand? "yes sire" then he reached down and touched my hand and held it I could not help it but some how I fell asleep while he was there. It took me days to be able to walk again let alone much else as I had no strength I slowly recovered.

I learned after the station fell we began learning just how invasive the council had been as the Kingdom almost fell into a civil war though the King had ended it hard and fast. I did not ask how.

Just then in a flash Stormy jumped on my chest and looked into my eyes and with a growl hit my nose thankfully with out claws then said "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET HURT" then rubbed his face against mine and said "I was so worried" then turned and jumped down and left the room. Every eye was on him as he left someone said "I don't want it to be mad at me" everyone did their version of a nod. Then I fell asleep. Over the next couple weeks I was worked almost to death to get use to my body and to get strong it was hell I guess physical therapy is the same no mater where you are.

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