Chapter 1 - Old Friends & Concerts

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Hey guys this is a story i wrote one night when i couldn't sleep, most of it is already written i just gotta transfer it and stuff so i'll put up a chapter here and there. So... Let me know what you think... Thanks! =)


Roxanne Sage Willows pov.

" Chistella Storm Willow! You better be up! You have school in a half hour! You cant be late for the last day!" i shouted from the 'kitchen' of our two room apartment.

" I'm up, I'm up!" she said coming out of the bedroom.

she adjusted the band t-shirt she was wearing and i had to hold in a slight grimace when i saw his face.

" Well that's an accomplishment, i didnt have to drag out outta bed today." i chuckled and placed a toasted begal in front of her.

" Whatever." she muttered.

" So.... i was wondering if maybe i could go to this concert thats supposed to be going on tonight... it's free.... i promise to be careful..." she said giving me her famous look and even after almost 16 years it had me wavering.

" What concert?" i asked inquiringly as Raven stumbled out of the room and crawled into my lap.

" Uhhh..... Falling in Reverse, Pierce the Veil, Asking Alexandria, blackveilbrides" she said quickly muttering the last one.

" Repeat the last one please?"

" Asking Alexandria...?"

" no, the other one. Black Veil Brides." i said raising an eyebrow.

" come on mom! Its all my favorite bands doing a concert for free! its like a once and a life time thing! Please! Please! Pleaseeeee!!!" she began to beg.

"Alright... on one condition." i stated.

" Deal, anything." she smiled big.

" I'm coming with you, besides those are my favorite bands as well." i said.

" Me to, me to?!" Raven asked me.

" We will see."

" yay!" she shouted jumping from my lap and running into the bedroom.

" ughhhhhh.... really ma?! Both of you....? I'm not a child anymore!" Chrisella groaned.

" What? It'll be a girls night. We all like the same bands so why should only one of us enjoy this 'Once in a Lifetime' chance?" i asked standing up to do the dishes.

" Whatever. i gotta go, see ya later." she said pushing away from the table.

" Love ya." i said over my shoulder just before she opened the door.

she sighed " Love you too ma."

she closed the door behind her.

" What am i gonna do? i can't continue to keep it from them." i mutter defeatedly under my breath.

"Mommy? Can you help me reach the toothpaste?" Raven called out.

" Yeah be right there my Lyric." i said before taking in a calming gulp of air before walking into the bathroom and helping her get ready for school.


Later that day...

Still Roxanne 'Sage' pov.

 " Are you girls ready?" i asked standing by the front door.

" Yeah Mommy!" Raven said bounding over to me.

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