Chapter 3 - Getting to Know Me

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know whatcha think comment? Vote? Thanks, bunches of love!


 Roxanne's pov.

they greeted each other and Theresa turned to me saying " First of all how in hell do you know Ronnie Radke and second what are you doing here its way past Raven's bedtime."

" I've known Ronnie for many, many years. Grew up together. And got a 24 hour eviction notice, couldn't make the payments. But i saw Ronnie today and well we caught up and he offered to let me and the girl come and live with him... and i agreed." i answered her.

" Oh..." she trailed off tearing up which was an odd sight.

she was practically covered head to toe in tattoos and it was clear she worked out regularly but now she was standing in front of me tears streaming down her beautiful face.

" Damn i'm gonna miss you!" i cried with her.

" Where are you going?" she asked.

" LA."

" Maybe.... " she trailed.

" What?!" i asked.

" Well you know how i've been think about opening another shop?" she asked.

" Yeah...?"

" Maybe i could open one in LA then we could still see each other!" she said.

i squealed and jumped up and down " Yes! Thats the best thing i've heard since they invented slice bread!"

" Wow your old." Ronnie teased.

" Shut up, Mister." i said smacking his chest.

" And then you can finish teaching me how to tat! i've only got a month or so of training left anyways!" i smiled happily.

" Then its set! i'll start planning tomorrow!" she said causing me to smile big.

after a few more minutes of chatter we had a tearful hug and i hugged the guys (other tattoo artists) goodbye before we left.

we made it back to the bus and it seems like all four bands were on the bus together hangin out.

" Hey Ronnie! Wait... Thought you were dropping them off...." Jacky said confused.

" Something came up and turns out Sage and the girls are comming to live with me. Do you guys mind if they tag along?" he asked his band.

they all shook their heads and Jacky said " Yay! i got a Hot sister and two cute nieces!"

i just laughed "I dont know who you are callin hot but surely it isnt me. No one's called me hot in 16 years and even then i didnt believe him." i said briefly glancing at Christian for half a second.

" Hey, dont say that. You're down right sexy, babe." Ronnie said pecking my cheek.

i chuckled " And you are quite obviously blind, my dear."

" Pfft. i am no such thing."

" Then you are a liar." i chimed.

" He's right you know... You are pretty damn hot." Christian piped up.

i laughed " Yeah sure and i'm a saint as well."

before anyone can say anything more Raven tugged on my pant leg and i picked her up.

" Mama can i go to sleep now?" she rubbed her eyes.

i looked at Ronnie.

" Seeing as we dont have enough bunks. i was wondering if one of you would mind sleepin on another bus..." Ronnie said.

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