Chapter 13

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Josh's POV;

I waited at my locker this morning for Oli to come, right up until the bell went and then 5 minutes longer. Nothing.

I guess this wouldn't have bothered me if it wasn't for the fact that at lunch he walked straight past me without saying anything. He didn't look my way, he didn't smile at me, he didn't look up from his phone when I called his name. I guess he didn't hear me. He wouldn't just ignore me, right?

Matt and I were sat next to each other in 5th period, maths, listening to Mr Peters ramble on about Pythagoras theorem and all that boring shit. I took my phone out of my blazer pocket, sending a quick text to Oliver under the table.

Josh: hey :)
                   *seen 2:17pm*

Huh. That's funny, he read my text but hasn't sent one back? Maybe this is just another one of his games to get my attention.

Josh: we haven't talked yet today. I miss you x
                      *seen 2:19pm*

Josh: you okay babe x
                     *seen 2:25pm*

"Josh the bell just rang, get off your phone it's time to go to English lit." Matt said from besides me.

I looked up from the screen of my phone to see that the rest of the class were either packing away or had already left. I guess I was so lost in my phone I didn't even hear Mr Peters tell everyone to pack up.

"Seriously Josh, are you okay?" Matt asked in a concerned tone. Oh yeah, forgot I was meant to be packing away my things.

"Yeah yeah. I was just texting Oliver." I sighed, finally standing up and grabbing my backpack. Matt and I sped out of the classroom and rushed down the corridor to the English department.

On the way I saw Oli walking past us in the opposite direction. He looked up, glaring at Matt coldly. His eyes looked darker then usual between the messy strands of hair that fell over his face and shoulders. His jawline was sharp, clearly biting down on his tongue to stop his lips falling into an even deeper snarl.

I looked at him but he didn't meet my gaze.

"Have you noticed how weird Oli is acting today?" I asked Matt when we reached the English classroom. His face flashed with something I couldn't recognise before he put on a clearly fake smile and turned to me.

Why is everyone acting so weird today?

"No." He hesitated. "He's your boyfriend, why don't you ask him why he's acting weird."

"I would do, if it wasn't for the fact that he's ignoring me. And he's not my boyfriend yet." I huffed. Matt smiled slightly to himself.

"Maybe this is him telling you he's moved on? Y'know like he did with Sadie when he decided to start getting with you?" Matt speculated.

"I hope not." I muttered sadly.

Oliver couldn't be over me already, could he? Literally yesterday he told me I wasn't like the rest, he said I was special, and I believed him. Maybe it was all part of his sick game to lure me in and then break my heart.

The truth was I never wanted what me and Oli had to end. He gave me a release from the pressure my parents put on me to always be the "good boy" who studied for every test and defiantly didn't mess around with rebellious fuckboys.

I've also grown to really like him as a person. Recently he's kind of become what my life revolves around, as unhealthy as that sounds. When he's not here I miss his smile, his curly hair, even his overly flirty personality. I love the way he calls me nicknames and gives me his hoodies and lets me hold his hand.

Oh my god. Am I in love with Oliver?

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I waited a couple of seconds for the teacher to turn around and then I got my phone out under the desk once again.

Oli: meet me in the alleyway. 5pm.
                *sent 3:02pm*

Josh: okay see you then Ols x
                   *seen 3:08pm*

Oli: we need to talk privately
                 *sent 3:09pm*

Oh dear, that didn't sound good. Guess I'll just have to wait until 5 to see what's going on with him.


It was around 5 minutes until exactly 5pm. I was already waiting in the alley, just like Oliver asked. To be honest I was shitting myself; biting my nails and tapping my feet to distance me from how anxious I was feeling.

This was a bad idea. I could feel it.

"Hey Joshua." I heard a thick Northern accent say from behind me. Speak of the devil, I turned around to see Oliver's gorgeous face, hidden mostly by the shadow of his hood. I stepped toward him for a kiss but he just stepped away.


"Why are we here?" I asked nervously. He sighed deeply, taking another step back so he was leaning against the fence.

"We shouldn't keep doing this." He muttered, staring at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing he had ever seen.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You know what I mean Joshua. This. It's not good for you and I'm only going to break your heart." He spat. I stepped back, scared slightly by his sudden burst of anger.

"I don't understand. I thought-"

"Well you were wrong. We need to end this before it gets out of hand. I fuck with everyone, I hurt people's emotions, it's just what I do. That's why I'm stopping this before I hurt you. The longer we stay at this, the more likely you are to fall in love." He started off shouting but by the end of his speech he was basically whispering.

"What if I've already fallen in love with you, Oli?" I sniffed, tears falling down my cheeks in angry lines.

"Then I suggest you try and fall out of it." He said coldly, turning swiftly to walk out into the streets.

"Oliver! You can't just do this to me!" I cried, running out into the streets after him.

"Don't contact me again Josh. It'll just make this harder for the both of us." His voice trembled with sadness. I could tell he was crying, even with his back to me. Yet he stayed composed, walking away from me like nothing had happened.

Well shit.

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