Chapter 2

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*ding dong*

The ebony hedgehog runs and opens the door to see his blue rival. Then all of a sudden,thunder roars across the land, causing the dark hedgehog to jump. Sonic smirked, getting some pleasure out of seeing the smaller hedgehog startled so easily. "Scared of a little thunder eh?" Shadow than glared at sonic, not liking what he said.

"No I am not." Shadow then lets the azure hedgehog into his house. Sonic stepped in and looked around. "Theres a guess room down the hall to your right." Sonic nodded and made his way to his temporary room, dropping his bags on the floor in a corner and entered the living room, seeing shadow sitting there. The azure hedgehog made his way to the couch and sat with the ebony hedgehog. It was an awkward silence until broken by the dark hedgehog.

"So why did you come over here...I mean why my place? I thought you and Amy are together." (wanted to throw this out there ^^)

"Ummm about that....her and I got into a fight and she kicked me out..."

"Oh...well what do you want me to do about it?"

"I was hoping that you could let me stay here for some time, I mean she left me with nothing but my cloths."

Shadow sighed. He didn't think it would be right to tell him to leave when he has nowhere to go.

"*Sigh* Ok, you can stay."

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