Chapter 6

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"Wait. Wait. You mean that this is the same reality I was in? Then how..."

Sam's head was spinning now, nothing made any sense. Not that it did before but now things were even more confusing. If this was his reality than how on earth was he dealing with a skittles bag of workers that were apparently dead? He had too many questions and not a lot of answers.

>"Samuel. I can explain but it would take too long for EVERYONE here so I'll keep it short. A man, if one can call him that, named Henry Miller was obsessed with understanding how the human soul worked and if it was possible to become immortal through the fusion of flesh and metal or rather a spirit possessing an animatronic. Dave Miller, the purple one who is actually not even related to Henry, was the first victim of these...experiments. They didn't work as expected BUT Henry found something beyond humanity. He learned that a soul can repossess one's body however continual possessions leads to the soul being ripped in two. The end result isn't pretty. Momo Maverick, the one you've been with and eyeballing which to be honest you're not good at hiding it, was another victim. So was Jack Kennedy as was Scott, who is actually Jack's brother Peter. I advise against talking about it for now since "Scott" has no memory of his past life. Diane? Diane is a different story. She? Well whatever force actually runs Fazbender's took her and experimented to keep that short. You've got a lot of work to do to get things back to some semblance of order."

The information cleared up a small bit but damn. This went a lot deeper than he realized which felt...oddly familiar. This wasn't JUST a knock off. This was a clone. A parallel to Freddy's proper...did that mean William Afton was just a pawn of Miller? It would make sense with the information he had got but what sick monster would do such horrid things to innocent people? Surely there was a better way of finding out the answer to his questions...Why not try with someone who's got nothing to lose? It made Sam sick.

>"Focus Sam. One step at a time here. Oh, Momo's coming back. I would suggest not mentioning any of this to her until I say you can, it's for her sake AND your's as well. Until next time, try not to get noticed when you stare."

The same soft music from before played and the screen went black, Cee was gone for now and a new presence filled the room. Momo was here again.

"Hey, Sam, what you doing?"

"I've just been tinkering with some of the older games to see if I can fix them."

It seemed like a reasonable enough cover up as a lot of the machines were out of order which helped his lie. Maybe he actually WOULD work on them at some point since he had some skill with game development. It wouldn't be too bad of an idea actually.

"Oh, I just talked to Phoney about what happened and uh...Yeah...He drugged you...BUT he also felt some odd compulsion to do it like someone was putting thoughts in his head."

His eyes widened a bit at her words but he hadn't turned around yet. The machine before him was still the black box but he had a feeling Momo didn't see it the same way so he finally turned to face her. She seemed rather annoyed.

"Freaking drugged you...Though the bit about not feeling like he was the one doing it is concerning and there's only ONE person I can think of that might have had a hand in things...Not that I WANT to remember him but it seems he's resurfaced..."

Yeah, she was definitely annoyed. However, if Miller WAS around that was problematic as Sam had NO IDEA how to handle the situation which put him at a severe disadvantage for whatever might come his way. The man shook his head. What a first day on the job...

"So I got drugged by a literal phone guy, one of the first people I met is a plum and I dispelled a ghost. This is...single-handedly the WEIRDEST day of my life..."

The short woman smiled slightly. Sam was quite the guy but she understood how rough of a day he was having. It was a lot to deal with for sure but luckily for him, the day was pretty much over.

"Well lucky for you dear, the shift's over so we can get out of here..."

Her voice trailed off. Something seemed to bother her about the fact they had to leave but the taller of the two didn't ask questions about it since it didn't seem right to...not yet anyways. He wanted to build up their relationship some before he started asking questions since she clearly wasn't offering answers.

Bright Side of Hell: A Dayshift at Freddy's A.U.Where stories live. Discover now