Chapter 14

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When Sam finally came to, he was hunched over the unmoving body of Henry Miller. He had done it. He killed the demon. He did what he was brought here to do. It was time to clean up and clock out one last time...Unfortunately he didn't know where the others had been taken to...He didn't really want to know either. They deserved to die peacefully...if they could...He didn't really know if it was possible but he would get an answer soon enough.

"Sam...You did it...You actually did it."

It was Momo's voice but yet wasn't. It sounded more robotic than normal and that was because it wasn't Momo talking. At least not her physical body. It was the marionette, who was checking over the plum woman's form.

"Hey, Momo...I did it..."

He tried to smile but tears started falling down his face. He had failed everyone else. He let them be taken without doing anything to stop it. In the end, Henry had won and it didn't matter. He had the last laugh. The final bow. The show was over but it was a tragedy that was still going.

"Please don't cry...You tried your best..."

"Yeah, and it didn't work..."

The marionette, or Momo's spirit(?), gently stroked Sam's face. She understood how much he hoped that everyone would survive but all he had was Momo now. Everyone else was gone. Leaving a quiet building, it was lifeless... It was wrong. This place was supposed to be full of life, of noise but now it was a graveyard.

"Sometimes you have to lose a fight to win a war."

"You're right but that doesn't change the fact I failed..."

"Did you really? Think about it. You killed him. That's what you set out to do isn't it?"

She had a point but it didn't help him feel better about it. Some of the things Henry had said were still bouncing around his head and didn't sit well. Henry still managed one last attack even beyond the grave...

"This place needs to die."

Sam turned and headed towards the arcade. He knew what he was going to do. It was time.

"Hello again."

> "Hello's over. You did it."

"Yeah. I did it...At the cost of far too many innocent people..."

> "They'll be back. Just like me."


> "Well yes. They're a sense. On one hand, they do in a way have a soul, which is no longer in their body, and on the other, their body kind of is its own soul if that makes sense."

"I can follow it...But tell me something. Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

> "I needed to talk to you in a new environment, a place that my presence wouldn't be that far off from what you would expect..."

Sam nodded slowly. He understood but it bothered him somewhat. He knew she was there. How many times had he asked her a question and never got an answer yet knew she listening? It didn't matter now. Their time together had finally ended and now it was time to let Caroline go.

"Thank you for everything Caroline. I've got some clean up to do so I'll talk to you whenever..."

> "Goodbye Samuel. You did well today."

With that, the screen shut off again and the ringing noise cut off. The black box of an arcade machine was nothing more than a blank slate. It wouldn't be found.

The blonde slowly walked back to where he had left Momo, she was alone now. Still on the floor, unmoving but alive. He slowly picked her up and walked out of the building. The lights were off, the music gone. Fazbender's was dead. The memories would fade away to be forgotten.

At least for a few years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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