A helping hand

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Narrators POV

Ahh!! Tony screamed as he sat up panting and shaking. This had happened every night for the past 3 days. Every night he had the same dream. He was being chased by someone and  hiding, it was dark and quiet. He always got found. He did not know what they wanted. In every dream they found new ways to torture Tony. The main way they tortured him was by tieing him up then dunking him in a pool of water repetitively.

"I need help," Tony whispered to himself. (Later that day...) He went out to see Peter. "Hey Pete," Tony said in a calm voice. "Hello Mr Stark," Peter replied. They talked about how they were both doing. Tony bought over some snacks for Peter to eat because his Aunt May was on holidays.

As Tony was walking back to his house he saw someone. He had brown hair with one brown eye and one green, he was wearing a cloak. Tony could not help but to stare. Tony blushed as he made eye contact with the beautiful person. Tony walked up to him and introduced himself. "Hello, I am Tony... Uhh... I just saw you and I t...t..thought you looked very kind," Tony said with a stutter. "Ohh..... Hello?, Nice to meet you Tony...uh have you been stressed lately?" He questioned. " How did you know that, I have not slept in 4 days now and I have been trying to get in contact with someone who could help me but it is no use," Tony said. "I know because I can feel you energy levels are very low, maybe I could help you, you seem like I kind person and I'd like to help you so here is my number....... Call me," he winked. " Wait I don't even know your name!!" Tony called out. " Stephen Strange," have a good day he turned and winked again. Tony just stood there for a bit, "he's so h.." wait did I really almost say that, "im not gay?" Tony said to himself now walking back to his house.

That night Tony Slept normally. as Tony walked over to get some coffee he remembered Stephen. (he had a dream about him) Tony looked at his phone and debated whether he should call or not. Stephen was already on his mind. He couldn't hold it, he picked up his phone and called him. Tony was surprised when Stephen answered. "Hello Tony," he said in a deep hot voice. Tony shivered to the sound of his voice ," hi, I'm sorry I called you so early," Tony said nervously. " No it's fine, how did you sleep?" Stephen asked kindly. Tony blushed as he dreamer about Stephen. " Uhhh.... I slept well, umm I was wondering (If you are not busy) if you could maybe come over to my house?" Tony asked sounding terrified. "Yes Tony, I'd love to, I'd also like to learn more about you," Stephen replied to Tony trying to stay calm. (as he was excited) Okay.... Thank you so much lo.....bye bye," Tony said hanging up. "Omg I almost said I loved," Tony screamed.

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