the sleepover

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Tony was cleaning his house because he wanted to impress Stephen. He lit some old strawberry candles that he found while cleaning. He washed up the dishes and put them away. He checked in the fridge to see if he needed to go shopping. He had bread with a small range of different spreads. He had barbecue chicken and rice as well as other things like cheese/milk/butter . In the cupboard he had cereal/noodles/snacks/ candies and chocolate. "Maybe I can cook something," Tony said to himself as he found a unopened box of potato gems and steak. He had alcohol too. Later he heard a knock on the door. Tony jumped to his feet and opened the door. Tony was trying to stay cool in front of Stephen but he was struggling to even speak. "Hello Tony," Stephen said with a charming smile. "Hi Stephen, would you like to come sit down?" Tony asked nervously. "Sure, thank you for inviting me here, it looks lovely," Stephen said calmly." Oh no it's fine, thank you so much for coming" Tony replied. "It's my pleasure," Stephen said back to Tony smiling charmingly. "Would you like a drink?" Tony asked trying not to sound nervous. " No thanks. tell me Tony when you have trouble sleeping what do you do to help?" Stephen asked. "Uhhh..... I just add stuff to my suit, If I wake up I don't bother going back to sleep," Tony said bravely. "Tony, you need to sleep, it is very unhealthy, I am worried about you..." Stephen said then blushed realising what he had just said. (The truth is that Stephen had dreams about Tony too), " every since I met you I have been worr......" Stephen covered his mouth and his cheeks went bright red. " It's okay, ever since I met you I have been feeling great," Tony said also blushing now. "Uhhh Stephen, I know we have not known each other for very long but you are very kind and I was wondering..... Uhh W....W..would you like stay over tonight?" Tony asked stuttering and shaking. "Sure, if you want me to," Stephen said clearing his throat. "I have spear tooth brush/toothpaste/ soap/ shampoo and conditioner/ shaving cream. Every thing you need. Stephen nodded and they sat together on the couch and talked more about Tony's anxiety and thought of ways to help him get through it /over it

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