Chapter One: Attitude Doesn't Get You Anywhere

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A/N: Ella ^ played by Ashley Graham


"Bye Mom!" I called as I walked through the door. She probably wouldn't even notice I'm gone. Too busy getting the perfect high.

I got in my car and drove the two hours to my college campus.

It was the day before the beginning of sophomore year. We all come a day early to get settled in again.

As I got out of the car, I was knocked over.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going, asshole!" I said.

"It was your fault." The guy shrugged. He then extended his hand to help me up. Huh, maybe he did have manners.

"Thanks." I muttered.

"Whatever." He said and walked off.

I scoffed. "Asshole." I said under my breath.

I walked over to my car to grab the stuff I brought to my mom's over the summer.

I didn't own much, and I didn't bring much either, so it was easy to carry. I had a basket full of my clothes and a box with makeup and hair supplies along with my laptop, earbuds, and laptop and phone charger. Also, my purse.

I walked to my dorm and was greeted by a "do not disturb" sign on my door.

"What the hell?" I whispered.

I turned the doorknob and it was locked. I fished my keys out of my over the shoulder purse and put the key in. As I walked in, I was shocked to see a naked male having sex with a woman.

"Oh god." I said loud enough for them to hear me.

The girl shrieked. "Who are you?!" she said.

"No, the question is, who the hell are you? This is my dorm, hence the one bed. I paid extra for that." I said.

I looked around to see things that weren't mine laying around.

"Uh, no. This is my room." She said.

"Oh really? That's why my mini fridge is sitting in the corner, and my stuff is in the bathroom? And why my keys worked?" I said, getting really irritated.

I saw movement on the side to see the guy situating himself. As I looked at his face, I realized it was the guy who trampled me in the parking lot about 15 minutes ago. Well, he sure moves fast.

"Oh for god's sake, cover yourself up." I threw him a pillow from my love seat. They weren't in my bed, thank the lord. They were on my couch. They were for sure paying to get that cleaned.

"So wait," the girl started, "This isn't 125D?" 

"No, this is 125C." I said. 

"Oh." The girl dumbly stated.

"So which one of you is paying to clean the sex juice off of my couch?" I asked, irritation lacing every word.

"Why would we do that?" The girl asks while putting her shirt back on.

"Because I can file a breaking and entering complaint and get you expelled before the school year even starts." I said simply.

The girl now looked worried.

"You don't even know my name." she said putting her hand on her hip.

"Attitude doesn't get you anywhere, sweetie. But, anyway, I have ways of finding out." I stated flatly.

"Oh, whatever. I will." The guy piped up. "I'll book it, and they'll clean your couch while you're in class tomorrow." 

"Good. Thank you..." I trailed off, implying for him to say his name.

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