Chappie #2

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~the next morning, Ethan's POV~

I woke up feeling an intense pain on my face. " Owwwie....." I whimpered. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. "come in." I said, still holding my face. "Hey Ethan, how you feeling?" Tyler asked as he walked into my room. "Fine, other than my face feeling like I got socked by someone two times my size. Do you know what happened?" I asked him. He looked down at his feet with a really guilty look. "Promise you won't be mad...?" He asked hesitantly. "Why would I be mad?" Did he have something to do with this? "I...uhm....I hit you last night...." "What?! Why?!" I asked slightly angry but my anger faded when he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm s-so sorry, I didn't mean scared me...and I....I didn't know it was you..." I started to feel bad for yelling at him. I got up and hugged him. "It's not your fault, and I didn't mean to make you upset." I started to push my luck. "Softy." Bad decision. "Oh hell no!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "TYLER NUUU!" I started to squirm in his grip but to no avail. "Nah, nah, nah. We can't be having you think you're cool or anything, we have to restore some balance here." I sigh and stop squirming. "Can you at least tell me where you're taking me?" "The living room, I'm gonna kick your ass in Mario kart." Damn it... he's good at Mario kart... "Fuck." I mudder under my breath. I heard him giggle and I blush a little 'his laugh is kinda....cute...' yup, I like Tyler, I never told anyone that I'm gay though....he probably is straight anyway... My expression saddens and Tyler seems to notice this. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, sounding slightly concerned. "Hmm? Oh...yeah... I'm fine.." should I tell him? Maybe... "Actually... I'm not fine... I like someone...but he's straight..." His eyes get dim and sad if...he's lost hope in something... "Oh really, does he live with us?" "Yeah.." "well Mark is gay so you're in luck..." I pretend to brighten up so I don't blow my cover but I almost puke at the thought of me and Mark dating. Mark likes Jack anyway. "Oh thank God." I say, that actually sounded real. No wonder I got an A in drama back in highschool. He seemed to sadden more as he set me on the couch and set up the game. I swear I thought I saw tears in his eyes but they went away to quickly for me to tell.

~time skippie, still Ethan's POV~

He infact did kick my ass in Mario kart, his mood didn't brighten up at actually just got sadder...'he doesn't like me does he?' "Hey Tyler?" "Yeah?" "Are you straight?" I asked him this hesitantly, I didn't want to offend him. "No...I am very gay..." He giggled slightly at his own words. I got so excited but I didn't show it. We continued to giggle, joke, and play games all day and we passed out on the couch that night.

~Tythan~Where stories live. Discover now