Chapter 2 here we go

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"Sorry it's just I was about to get raped" Sparksa gasped "poor thing" she hugged him as he cried his heart out. "Who was going to rape you? How'd you find out?"  Speedy breathed slower and slower "so I heard my sisters and my mom talking about how painful there heat was- and- and *sniff* they agreed when I came inside from picking berrys they would make me give them pleasure."  Speedy started crying again. " that's horrible! Who would ever to such a poor little thing." She started rubbing his back. Speedy didn't look on purpose but got a glance at her red puffy sex. "Why is your umm....... yknow red?" Sparksa blushed "oh-oh! You see- um.....I'm in heat." Speedy jolted back "eek! Don't rape me!" A shiver traveled up Sparska's back "no I'm not like that! Besides, i've been through my fair share of heat cycles without a mate." Speedy had a sigh of relief "'s just the last hour and- and..." sparska chuckled "it's ok I understand! It's been like that for as long as I can remember. You can hang out with me until mating season is over if you like". Speedy looked at her sheepishly. "Are you sure? I mean..." speedy said quietly "it's okay c'mon my homes over here."

Speedy followed her. it wasn't anything to impressive, just a simple grass looking tepee. Speedy thought otherwise. He personally thought it looked amazing. After admiring it sparkska invited him inside. He had to admit, it was a cozy little thing. He kinda liked it "it's not much, but it's what I got ya'know?" Speedy was actually admiring it. "It looks amazing!" He said. "Your so sweet." sparkska said 'she thinks I'm 'sweet'?!' Speedy thought and then he blushed. It was all quiet, Then they heard massive winds from outside.

"Oh no. Not again!"

Speedy looked around confused "not again what?"

" it's Jeremy and his dragon Pals." Speedy looked even more confused


"He's this ampharos who has this whole fantasy of me being his girlfriend and stuff, it's stupid"

All of a sudden they break in and scare them. "Sup bitches? What's with pip-squeak?"

"His names speedy! And he's my friend."

The dragonites laugh with ampharos does with them  "look I can treat you well, help you with your heat and give you all the berrys you desire. C'mon."

"One, you just lied, too, you're always mean and pushy, three, didn't you look like a sheep and you were a little?" Speedy lost it crying and laughing so hard he had tear running down his face. "S-shut up! Drago, make him shut up!" Drago (One of the three Dragonite's he had with him)  *charging hyper beam* drago blasted but speedy who barely dodged "shadow ball!" He yelled as he shot one straight to drago's crotch "oww! That's not cool man!" Drago groined in pain "what the hell pip-squeak!" Speedy growled "I have a name! And it not pip-squeak!" As said as he shot a few swift stars at them "oh that's it! draga you destroy the house, dragis you get pip-squeak, he's a hostage, we'll keep him in the basement."

They destroyed the house and got speedy hostage. "Why are you doing this?!" Sparska struggled! drago had a good grip on her "let her go! Or I will sent another one in the crotch again!" Speedy struggled "because you won't have a house or a friend who can't live up to his name! So you can come running to me! And I will mate with you before mating season is over." Speedy started laughing "set up a conflict didn't you?" Speedy kept laughing "your so cute Speedy" sparkska commented still able to keep happy though she's practically been kidnapped. "Why won't you call me cute! I'm giving you everything a could ask for, and I'm so nice" Jeremy scoffed "you were cute when you were nice, and a mareep."

Speedy chuckled "mareeps are cute." Jeremy thought of something convincing "you can make mareeps if you mate-" he was interrupted by sparska "hell no!" After that It was quiet the whole fly there. Once they did Speedy noticed one small detail "Human!" Speedy screamed sparska shivered at the sight of the creature with flesh, the worst part was they could understand humans but humans can't understand them. "Drago, draga, dragis, return!" He said as they went into the pokeballs. Jeremy held Speedy and sparkska inside. He threw Speedy into the basement. "Ow!" Speedy exclaimed.

Jeremy then put sparska on the couch, and then put a soft blanket on her. She had to admit it was comfy, but quite frankly it wasn't really on her mind. All she wanted to do was get speedy and then the hell out! And that what she exactly was gonna do. "Any berrys, my love?" Jeremy said as he laid out a plate full of berrys "um.. actually I eat.... ahhh" sparkska was trying think of something that wasn't on there "ah apricorns!" Jeremy looked confused "ok? I think my trainer has some around. I'll be right back" Jeremy said running off to find apricorns. Sparkska got off and bolted for the basement. "Speedy?" Sparkska said beating on the door "sparkska?" Speedy said at the door "are you ok?!" Sparkska exclaimed "I'm find don't worry! Besides it looks nice, I can settle for a while.......doesn't mean I like it!" Sparkska sighed. She couldn't open the door, the handle was just way too high. "Don't worry speedy! I'll find a way." She said scampering back to the couch

"my love, I couldn't find any! My apologies" sparkska sighed "I'll just eat berrys" acting as if she was disappointed. Jeremy sat there "would you like to watch what master calls 'rom-com'?" Sparkska knew exactly what he was talking about "sure, but first wanna cuddle with me?" Jeremy thought she was finally warming up to him, little did he know what she was gonna do once he fell asleep. "Like this?" He asked in a comfortable position cuddling her "yes 'honey'." sparkska purred. Jeremy now blushing hard was completely still. The next thing they know there's humans everywhere around you "wait a second...." sparkska knew exactly what was happening. A family gathering, "I could probably use this as a distraction" sparkska said quietly.

Will sparkska and speedy make it out? Find out next time!

Oh hey, this is a story I also have on my ff page. Mightygamer1121

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