Cutie being friendly

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Cutie: *takes a sip of her tea* So tell me..
Kinder: ......?

Cutie: Do you think everyone hates me?

Kinder: Hmm!? (Nervous) Whatofcoursenotyou'resosweet andnice!

Cutie: I'm kidding^^ *adds more sugar in her tea* I know everyone hates me...

Kinder: !? ((In her mind: Wait she knows everyone hates her and she's okay with that...?))

Kinder: I- I haven't noticed.... (Lying)

Cutie: I know Brock hates me..

Kinder: Um- (nervous)

Cutie: Between you and I that boy like.. hates me hates me. But it's okay because I don't care either way^^

Kinder: ((in her mind: She's so crazy it feels like she only has one emotion...))

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