Period 3 - Jar Of Love Notes

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Most books,
Have a girl/guy that pines over the main person.
Knowing there are barely any chance in making him/her fall in love with them,
They choose to go great distances for them.
They watch their love be happy with another,
And an unidentifiable emotion washes over them.
Is it best to fight for their love, knowing it means breaking their love's happiness for a while,
Or is it best to watch them be happy, even if it means their heart will be broken?

Watch them be happy,
Because there is nothing worse than trying to fight, not for love, but to be loved.

Because if he/she were meant to be yours now, you'd know. You'd feel it when you're around him/her.

However, sometimes, your love doesn't go to waste. He/she may come around some day, but don't count your days. Sometimes, he/she may not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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