Don't Ask Questions

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Her lips tightened as she flipped through the photos on her tablet. If looks could kill the tablet would have shriveled up under the venom in her gaze.

"How long?"

"Only a week." She tossed the tablet to the side, ignoring the loud bang it made as it hit her desk, and spun her chair around to face the wall behind her. There was a single photo mounted on the wall that she looked at. If the man standing in front of her desk could have seen the look in her eyes he would've shuddered. There was adoration, yes, but not just that. A hint of unhingement, of emotional apathy. The look a sasaeng gives the object of their worship. Because to that person, if they can be called a person, what they stare at and long for is not human to them.

"Keep an eye on it. I want to know everything. Location, any family that can be exploited as weaknesses, familiar routes." Her lips curled into a chilling smile. "And then...I want to have some fun."



He was an animal stalking his prey, the knife he held by his side glistening in the dim streetlight. A liability to some, for him just a part of the art. An art people paid dearly for, in both cash and blood.

His victim was on his guard, you always had to be in this line of business, but the animal was stealth incarnate. He was unrivaled in his normal world.

A cigarette was between the victim's lips as he checked the time. Waiting for a client.

He waited, watching as the time drew nearer. They had access to forensics, they would figure out the time between kill and discovery. It was not that long. He wanted them to see that.

He slit the artery, blood spurting against the brick wall opposite them. No struggle, because the victim hadn't even had time to comprehend that his life was ending.

He left as silently as he'd come. Let them see. Let them fear. By the time they knew who he was his name would freeze on their cold, dead lips.


A man who feels powerful going against someone else's 'no' is not a man. No, not even a human being. That's what Taehyung drilled into each of his girls when they first started working for him. No matter what time of the day it was, no matter who it was, if they weren't respected, they had better give him a call.

It had taken a few incidents before this attitude of his became the gossip around Seoul. But after that he rarely had to do anything. Unfortunately, this was one of those rare times. Some low-level twat, too big for his britches, had gone beyond what Cherry wanted and hadn't taken no for an answer. He'd also smacked her when she tried to call Taehyung. Then he'd run. Taehyung was furious but keeping it inside. He'd actually been in the middle of....inspecting...a new girl when he got the call. But he dropped everything and broke the speed limit to get to the small love motel as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately he was too late to maul the guy and instead was holding Cherry, hands soothingly patting her back, comforting her. She'd cried a little but it was mostly because of the fear she'd experienced, now she was calming down, ready to get out of here and go home.

After he dropped her off Taehyung dialed Jin. He was furious but didn't have the time to track this fucker down. He'd just trust in one of his brothers-in-crime to have his back and take care of it for him.


Jin heaved a sigh, staring down at the body in front of them.

"He was a good kid, what the hell." He grumped. Nothing identifiable. Jimin had already come and left, leaving him and Hoseok to evaluate the murder scene.

"This is kinda scary." Hoseok admitted. He was deadly in his own way. He didn't have the same reputation as Yoongi but he was not one to cross. None of them were.

"There are so many unknowns." Jin looked around the darkly lit area. He'd been woken up for this and his hair looked like it. "Is it another gang? Is it not? We can't accuse or move against anyone, even if the evidence points to them. Is it some rogue element? Why are they here? Why are they doing this? And..." He bit his lip. "Are they just going to stick with hitting our dealers? Or do we need to start worrying about our other people too?"

"This person's not done killing. I think whoever is hit next will give us some of the answers we need." Hoseok said quietly. It was disturbing to hear him be quiet. He was normally so loud and boisterous, confident in his position as king of the streets. You didn't need to be quiet when people scurried away at the sound of your voice.

"Sometimes people need to die but I hate unnecessarily wasting life, especially our people. We owe them for the good work they do." Hoseok nodded in understanding and agreement. They may live a life of crime with a law-abiding facade to the outside world, but that didn't mean they were heartless. They just played by different rules and asked more questions than most normal members of society.

"This guy....this guy had a girlfriend and child on the way." Hoseok cracked his knuckles. "Whoever the son of a bitch that did this is, he needs to pay." Jin pulled out his phone, double-checking the name of the victim with Hoseok, before sending a text. There was nothing they could do now about the taken life but they could make sure the victim could rest in peace in the next life.


I need you to find this man's employee file and the contact info for his significant other. Their bank details should be in there as well. Please make sure the listed amount is deposited and add her to Accounting's monthly roster.

The text had a name and an amount with it that made Y/N's eyebrows shoot up.

It was what she had woken up to this morning. Jin's random late night texts made her grateful that she kept her ringer off at night. His people didn't bother her that much. Most of their texts were sent while she was at the office and consisted of 'can you grab this file please and leave it on my desk for later'.

Once again, questions danced at the edge of her mind and once again she shoved them away. None of her business.

She opened the note app on her phone and made a quick notation before lugging herself out of bed to start the day.

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