End of the Line

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The first sign that something had gone wrong was when Taehyung's team was ambushed and the man felt pain explode across his arm. The second sign was when the ground under Namjoon's team was suddenly up and moving, liquid fire sending them all flying.

Jin's heart sank. Trap, they were trapped. He tried to direct Jimin towards Taehyung to cover him as he pulled his men back and ran towards Namjoon by himself. But by the time he got there Namjoon was on his knees, hands behind his back, gun cocked at his head.

"Drop your weapons." Jin had never seen the man before him before but he knew without a doubt that the man would kill his friend if he didn't comply. So with hate pouring out of every cell in his body, Jin reluctantly complied. "We have them." The unidentified man radioed to someone else. He smiled wickedly at Jin when he got a response. "Sounds like we got everyone we wanted. She'll love seeing your hitman's girlfriend again." Jin started but made no move beyond that. Y/N? They had Y/N? He kept his face carefully neutral as his hands were tied behind his back. No emotion. He couldn't show how much that upset him, doing so only made her more of a target.


Y/N didn't fight. She knew it was useless. Jungkook was out and she knew if these people were here that something had happened to the assault team. Fighting would only get her killed. She had to stay awake and alert, she had to keep them alive.

She wasn't even sure if Jungkook was alive. The men taking them didn't seem to care. One careless skimmed his fingers over Junkook's neck and shrugged dismissively. Jungkook could be dead or just have a faint pulse that wouldn't be detected by a brief touch to the skin.

They were tied up and tossed into the back of a black van. One of the men grinned wickedly at her as the engine started.

"She'll love seeing you again." Oh, I have a thing or two to say to her.


Hoseok cursed Jin out when he ended the last phone call. There was nothing any of his few men had to say. What bullshit was Jin going on about and right when he was needed most? Hoseok stomped back to where his men had originally been only to stop and recoil in horror. He ducked down, hoping he hadn't been seen. Down below, in front of the enormous warehouse they'd been about to hit, sat his five brothers and an assortment of the men that had come with them. The numbers were severely diminished and Hoseok felt his heart clench. Safe, they'd always kept them safe. But not anymore...

Jin couldn't have known but he must have suspected something was off. That's why Hoseok wasn't down there with the rest of them. He reined in his anger and took a deep breath before trying to radio Jungkook. No response. Not good.

It was him. Just him.


Taeyong stared at his hands, numbly nodding an acknowledgment to the words he'd just heard. Early that morning some of his men had disappeared. Now a new man was running around, claiming he had taken out Bangtan. Chaos, this was going to just be chaos. Yes, he and Bangtan were sort of rivals, but the reality was Bangtan was pretty fair and didn't mess with him. He had a healthy amount of respect for the men and how hard they'd worked to get to where they were at. He was not happy to hear that the power balance had possibly just shifted. He didn't want a bunch of bloodshed. He was fine technically not being the leading gang in Seoul as long as profits were decent.

"What are you going to do?" He sighed and looked up at Yuta.

"Reach out, find out if it's true."

"If it is?"

"Send a message through underground channels that we'll accept anyone who survived."

"If it isn't?"

"Then let Bangtan know we stand with them."

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