Chapter 1

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" Layla ,oh my gosh I can't believe Landon broke up with her just so he could ask you to the dance!" Kaci, Layla's best friend said."I know but there's a problem, I don't have a dress.It's not like Mrs. Landreth is going to give me a couple hundred bucks for a dance dress." Layla exclaimed. "Girl ,I was talking to him after he asked you and he has already bought you a dress and a matching tuxedo for you two."Kaci said.

"Did he say what color?" Layla asked excitedly

"Baby blue with pink and purple details!!" Kaci responded.

"Kaci ,what time's your mom expecting you home?"

"In about fifteen minutes, oh crap !I've got to get home. Anyway I'll see ya tomorrow!" Kaci said as she walked out of the room and left.

Layla got ready to head to the community room for dinner when Kaylee came on and said " Hey Mrs. Landreth wants to see you in the office." "Did she say why Kaylee?" Layla asked in a puzzled tone."No ,she just said she needed you." she stated."ok. " she replied.

Ian's pov

"Thank you" I said to the woman in charge. Then I sat and waited for the girl who she had sent for . after a few minutes I heard two pair of shoes racing for the area I was in and I heard a female voice say "you can't beat me ,I'm faster than everybody except for Jake ,but he is holding the record for the fastest boy in the orphanage!" it yelled , then a more boyish voice yelled back "don't you think I know that Layla?! That still don't mean that I can't try" ," yeah, yeah" the female voice replied as the feet were slowing down. Just then I saw the pair turn the corner completely oblivious to the fact that I was there and went right into the office. "You needed me" the girl said. The woman who had just helped me said" Yes, Layla you've been adopted... sir" I heard her say as I saw her motion for me to come. The girl was still breathing heavily when she said " Hi, I'm Layla" not even looking up to see who I was. She was tall , skinny and fair skinned, she had brown hair with natural gold highlights. She had a Vampire Diaries t-shirt and Nike shorts on.When she finally looked up I noticed that she had the most beautiful hazel eyes. "Hi I'm Ian" I said . Her eyes lit up when she recognized who I was .

Layla's pov

Oh my gosh was this really happening to me??!

Now instead of being Layla Renée Eldridge , I'd be Layla Renée Somerhalder ! Ian freakin Somerhalder was adopting me!! I said "thanks Mrs. Landreth I'll go pack. you can come help if you want " I said to my new "dad". He followed me to my second floor room in the first girls building, I told him to wait outside for a second so I could see if my roommate was in and he did . I looked in and saw that she wasn't so I said "you can come on in". I got in the closet and got out the black under armor bag that I bought two years earlier and started to put my clothes into it. I noticed he was looking at the pile of stuffed animals I had at the foot of my bed, I told him to toss me the yellow and orange duck that was on top and he did . Once I finished packing the under armor bag I then went back to the closet and got out my band uniform and my majorette uniforms along with my majorette jersey. I laid the uniforms on my bed than put the jersey on. finally I scanned the room to see if I'd missed anything, I realized I didn't have my flute piccolo or my violin so I said" if we can carry this stuff down I still have to go to the music building and get my instruments" he said" ok" so we left and got to the yard of my building and I saw one of the golf carts coming by, I got it to stop and I loaded my stuff on and asked Jake who was actually driving if he would take me to the music building and he of corse said yes so we went and I grabbed my instruments and went back to the cart. Ian said what instruments are those I pointed to my violin and said "violin" then to my flute ,then my piccolo. He said "wow , you can really play those!" Jake chimed in just as I got on and said "of corse she can, she always is the one who gets to race between the woodwind and string sections and play without missing a note!" "not always" I retorted "remember my first spring concert! it was supposed to be 'the great locomotive chase' not 'the great locomotive wreak'." I laughed as did Ian and Jake. we were pulling into the parking lot when I saw it, it was a 2013 red convertible Corvette! my favorite car EVER! Ian pointed at it and said " there she is just pull in right next to her."

As I finished loading my stuff into the rein he said "where's a good place to eat around here?" I replied " about 15 minutes from here there's a Mexican resturant that's the bomb!" "ok sounds like we're having Mexican for supper"he said when I got in .

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